SPICe+ (An integrated webform for Company Incorporation)

By Team Lawgical Startup

SPICe+ is an integrated Web form offering 10 different services along with company incorporation, thereby saving as many procedures, time and cost for Starting a Business in India. SPICe+ is part of various initiatives and commitment of Government of India towards Ease of Doing Business (EODB)

SPICe+ stands for Simplified Proforma For Incorporating Company Electronically Plus.

The Difference between two Forms SPICe INC 32 and SPICe+ is inclusion of multiple service through a common application.

Below mentioned are the services offered:

Reservation of nameName reservation
Incorporation of a new companyIncorporation of a new Company
Application for allotment of DINDIN allotment
Mandatory issue of PANMandatory issue of PAN
Mandatory issue of TANMandatory issue of TAN
Mandatory issue of EPFO Registration
Mandatory issue of ESIC Registration
Mandatory issue of Profession Tax Registration (Maharashtra)
Opening of Bank Account (Earlier ICICI bank had been integrated, but presently other banks have been added to the list)
– Allotment of GSTIN (if so applied for)

The new Form Spice+ is basically categorized into two parts:

Part-A – Name reservation (Proposed Name for new Company)

Part-B – SPICe+ offers following services:

  • Incorporation
  • DIN allotment
  • Mandatory issue of PAN
  • Mandatory issue of TAN
  • Mandatory issue of EPFO registration
  • Mandatory issue of ESIC registration
  • Mandatory issue of Profession Tax registration (Maharashtra)
  • Mandatory Opening of Bank Account for the Company and
  • Allotment of GSTIN (if so applied for)

RUN (Reserve Unique Name) service is now applicable only for ‘Change of name’ of an existing company.

AGILE stands for Application for Goods and Services Tax Identification Number(GSTIN), Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) registration and Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Registration.

AGILE-PRO is an application for GSTIN / EPFO / ESIC / Profession Tax Registration (in Maharashtra) and Opening of Bank A/c.

All Companies incorporated through SPICe+ would also be mandatorily required to apply for opening the Company’s Bank account through the AGILE-PRO linked web form.

Stepwise procedure for filing SPICe+ form for Incorporation of New Company

Part -A

Step 1 – Log in to MCA and Select the SPICe+ feature under Company services on MCA Portal;

Step 2 – Click on ‘New Application’ (in case of new application) and If you are existing applicant, you can choose ‘Existing Application, feed in the application number along with the proposed or approved name:

Step 3 – For new application, Spice+ Part-A gets enabled containing following fields:

  • Type of company
  • Class of Company,
  • Category and Sub category of the Company
  • Main division of industrial activity of the Company

Further, particulars with respect to ‘proposed or approved name’ is required. Submit on ‘Auto-check’ to do the first level automatic scrutiny of the proposed or approved name. You can submit the ‘Part A’ for reservation of name with the Nominal fees of Rs. 1000/- or proceed with the incorporation or Cancel Option.

In case of submission of Part-A separately, one can proceed with the Part-B after approval of Company Name.

Step 4 – Now, if opted for proceed with incorporation, part-B form is enabled, which contains various parts. Each part has a Separate validation check. Before proceeding, basic details are required for incorporation such as Address of the registered office of the Company, proposed directors and subscribers, capital of the Company along with other information to apply for statutory registrations.

Step 5 –On completion of form filling, you can download all the forms and affix relevant digital signatures therein. In order to proceed further, you are requested to upload all the mandatory and optional attachments in web form.

Attachment for Spice+

  • MOA and AOA
  • Declaration by the first director(s) and subscriber(s) (Affidavit not required)
  • Proof of office address
  • Copy of utility bills
  • The interest of first director(s) in other entities
  • Consent of Nominee (INC–3)
  • Proof of identity as well as the residential address of subscribers
  • Proof of identity as well as residential address of the nominee
  • Proof of identity and address of Applicant I, II, III
  • Declaration by Directors
  • Attachments-Part A
  • Optional attachments (if any)

Step 6 – Click on Check boxes to confirm all the declarations and click on pre-scrutiny button and submit

Steps to Upload SPICe+

  • After Affixing DSC in SPICe+ Part-B and all the linked forms as applicable, user can click on upload e-form option and upload SPICe+ Part B along with all the linked forms.
  • On Successful uploading, SRN (Service Request Number) will be generated for user to make payment.
  • On Successful Payment, SRN status will be displayed as Pending for approval.

Key points to be kept in mind:

  1. RUN Name Approval to be used only in case of change of name of existing companies
  2. Two Resubmissions allowed for SPICe+
  3. All types of Companies are now mandatorily required to be incorporated through SPICe+ Form.
  4. Sequence of Uploading
    1. SPICe+
    2. eMOA [if applicable]
    3. eAOA [if applicable]
    4. URC-1 [if applicable]
    5. AGILE-PRO [mandatory in all the cases]
    6. INC-9 [if applicable]
  5. Refund is applicable, if Spice+ Form gets rejected.
  6. Companies getting incorporated through SPICe+ with an Authorized Capital up to INR 15,00,000 would continue to enjoy ‘Zero Filing Fee’ concession.
  7. Fees for PAN Rs.66 and for TAN Rs.65 is payable.
  8. No separate fees is payable for opening bank account through SPICe+.


The Ease of doing business initiatives taken by the Government over the last few years has significantly advanced the process of Company Incorporation. Long and tedious process is gradually eliminated and Company can now get incorporated in less time ever before due to the introduction of SPICe+ form which is directly affecting the business environment in country.


FAQs on SPICe+ form on –


Initiatives for EODB by MCA –
