MOA Main Object Clauses for Different Companies
The Main Object Clause of the Memorandum of Association defines the purpose of the Company. Hence drafting of this clause is very crucial and should be done with precision and expertise. The Company cannot carry on any activity which is not a part of its object clause. Such activities are called Ultra Virus (beyond powers) and cannot be ratified even by members. We have consolidated Main Object Clauses of various types of Companies across 130+ Industries, for reference.
Agro Industries
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all plants and machinery, implements, accessories, tools, materials, substances, goods or things of any description including tractors, power tillers, sprayers, dusters, mist blowers, fishing boats, crafts and trawlers, fishing nets, gadgets, cold storages, deep freeze equipments and all types of equipments required for forestry, animal husbandry, poultry farming, agriculture pisciculture, sericulture, horticulture, equipment for processing and preserving forest, agricultural, horticultural, piscicultural, or sericultural produce.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of fertilizers, manures, plant or animal foods, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and all types of chemicals used in apiculture, pisciculture, sericulture, horticulture, poultry farming and animal husbandry.
To carry on business of providing the necessary infrastructure to harvest and develop forest resources, promoting forest resource based industries, arranging marketing of timber and other forest resource within the country and abroad.
To carry on business of developing land, planting, growing, cultivating, producing and raising plantations of various forest species of proven utility and maintaining, conserving, protecting, preserving, tending, exploiting and managing in all respects, crops and trees raised or come up naturally, or other agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and to buy, sell, export, import, process, distribute or otherwise deal with all kinds of forest crops, natural products, agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants.
To carry on business of establishing, administering, owning and running industries for manufacturing forests products, agricultural, plantation and horticultural products, medicinal and aromatic plants.
Animal Products
To carry on in India or else where the business to manufacture establish, produce, process, project, preserve, manage, tin-pack, clean, commercialize, sure cut, powder, buyer, seller, consultant, job worker, market man or otherwise, to deal, in all types, of animals, products, by-products, and waste including brush from making hairs and bristles of pigs, hogs, and boars, horse hari and horse hari waste, guts, bladders and stomach of animals; sinews and tendons parings and similar waste or raw hides and skins, feather and other parts of birds, bones and horn cones of animals, fast of bovine cattle sheep or goats; animals or vegetable oils, fats, sausages and the like material of meat, meat animal blood, meat extracts and meat juices, fish including caviar and caviar substitutes, crustaceans and molluses prepared or preserved and other similar and allied goods, articles and things and to do all such incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.
Art Dealers
To carry on in India or anywhere else the business of exhibitors of and dealers in pictures and prints, and of artists’ agents, makers, importers, exporters and sellers of picture frames, artists’ colours, pastels, oils, acrylics and other paints, brushes, easels and other instruments, articles and ingredients relating to any such business.
To carry on in India or anywhere else the business of publishers, book and print sellers, magazine proprietors, fine art journalists, printers and engravers, advertisement agents and purchasers and sellers of copyrights.
To carry on in India or anywhere else the business of restoring and cleaning pictures.
Astrology & Horoscope
To carry on the business in India and abroad of using astrological & horoscope software through information technology e.g. internet, e-mail, website, e-commerce, e-shopping, and other commercial activities related to information technology/telecom and other sectors and to dissemination of information about socio-development, political, economic, bilateral and international issues.
To carry on the business as consultants and advisors whether in India or abroad on problems relating to astrological, horoscope software systems design and software developments and to carry on the business of technical knowhow and training in all the fields of astrological, horoscope information technology and voice transcription and processing.
To buy, sell, design, import, export, maintain, test, act as agent and develop astrological, horoscope software including systems packages & application packages to register license & reserve all rights in such software packages, to carry out systems & procedure analysis, prepare for writing, testing and documenting of programmes and to buy, sell to use or to develop any such software and packages whether under license or otherwise.
Audio and Visual media
To organize stage shows, cultural programmes dancing floors, film shows and other entertainment activities.
To carry business in the field of audio and visual media, fashion shows, cinefilms, audio and visual programmes, film making jingles, still and other photography, ad spots, copy writing, scripting, image boosting blue prints, animation films, designing of posters, blimps, slogan writing, creative writing, music videos, publishing books, news letters related to features documents, To carry on activities such as to produce and direct motion pictures, TV. Films, feature films, publications, their marketing and distribution, to do business as studio owner, theatre owner, to run and maintain studio, theaters film producing centre and including event management and movie fashions shows and trans light.
To carry on in India or abroad the business of advertising and publicity agents, consultant and contractors and for this purpose to purchase, sell sponsor, charter, manage, acquire, undertake, hold, provide and promote, publicity or advertising time space or opportunity on and radio station, broadcasting centre, television centre, music video and music audios video cassettes, audio cassette, hoarding, neon signs, electronic display board, cinema cable network, newspapers, magazines, souvenirs and all other present and future medias or display devices including electronic media through internet.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, indenters, agents, sub-agents, jobbers, brokers, repairers, cleaners, or otherwise deal in automobiles, motor cars, lorries, vans, motor-cycles, cycle-cars, motors, scooters, and other vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea, or in the air or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all description whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, spirit, steam, gas, electrical, animals or other power, engines, chassis, bodies, other parts and components, accessories and all machinery, implements, utensils, appliances, apparatuses, lubricants, solutions, enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with the manufacture, maintenance and working of motors or other vehicles and other things or in the construction of any track or surface adapted for the use thereof.
To carry on the business of garage keepers, showroom owners for motors and vehicles and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, electricity and other motive power for motors and other vehicles.
Ayurvedic Medicines
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in Ayurvedic Medicines, or extractions of plant products.
To carry on business as bakers and manufacturers of and dealers in bread, flour, biscuits and farinaceous compounds and materials of every description and to construct, acquire, hire, hold, work in factories, bake-house, shops, suitable for such baking, manufacturing and dealing.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, preservers, stockists, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in breads, flour and other wheat products, biscuits, farinaceous compounds, sweets, confectionery, bakery products, food articles and all kinds of ingredients required for the production, or manufacture of the aforesaid products.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, assemblers, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all types and varieties of storage batteries, dry or otherwise, for all kinds of uses , industrial and nonindustrial, battery plates, cells, battery components and for that purpose to install, purchase, import or otherwise acquire plant, machinery and related equipments.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockist, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in ball bearings, roller bearings and all kinds of bearings of any diameter.
To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists, pedicurists, hairdressers, hair dyers, and generally to act as a consultant or advisor for beauty and health care and to establish, maintain and run health care centers, beauty parlors, massage parlors, spa centers, barber shops, gymnasiums, physiotherapy center, swimming pools and to conduct training programmes for better body care or make-up.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, makers, inventors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in lipsticks, nail polish, nail polish removers, cream, lotion, ointment, perfumes, foundations, moisturisers, facials, bleaching powders, hair removers, wax, powders, soaps, eyeliners, wigs, artificial hairs, artificial/ imitation jewellery or every kind and description of fashion wears and apparels, beauty aids and cosmetics.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors or otherwise deal in all types of equipments, plants & machinery as may be required for carrying out the aforesaid objects.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in soft drinks, soft drink concentrates, syrups, effervescent drinks, aerated water, tea, coffee, beer, wine, whisky, rum, gin, vodka, or other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks and all kinds and classes of beverages.
To carry on the business of growers and shippers of wines and spirits, and of wine and spirit producers, distributors, dealers and merchants
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in bottles, stoppers, corks, in-plate crown corks, crates, containers, whether of glass or any other material, or any other material for the packaging of any kind or variety of beverages.
To carry on all or any of the business of wholesale and retail butchers, sausage and delicatessen manufacturers of ham and bacon curers, refiners of lard, poultry, rabbit and otherwise deal in meat and meat products, live cattle, sheep and pigs and other animals, hides, fats, tallow, grease and other animal products.
To construct and operate slaughterhouses, cold storage premises, warehouses, sheds and other buildings requisite for the business of the company.
Cable Network
To carry on the business of establishing , setting up, acquiring, taking on lease or otherwise acquire, run and maintain independently or jointly various types of communication, electronic and cable networks, cable TV channels, satellite channels; film and video studios in India or abroad; establish and provide facilities, equipment and labs for audio, video and feature film shooting, editing, recording and to produce and distribute feature films, video, and entertainment films and to own, acquire on lease or otherwise any cable TV channels and use the same for commercial purposes.
Carpets & Rugs
To carry on in India or anywhere in world, the business as manufacturers, buyers sellers, traders, importers, exporters, merchant exporter, departmental stores, distributors, stockiest, dealers, packers, re-packers, consultants and agents for all kinds of carpets, durries, mats, rugs, namdhas, tweeds, flannels, quilts, & tapestry.
To carry on in India or anywhere in world the business of exporters, dealers and manufacturers in chains-stick, rugs, crewel embroidery, embroidered shawls, silks, paper machine and wood carving and all types of handicrafts and handloom products.
To carry on in India or anywhere in world the business of exporters, agents and stockists of goods produces in cottage industries, village industries and house industries and to finance such of them as, in the opinion of the Company is having export potential.
Carriers (General)
To provide facilities for the storage, warehousing, carriage and distribution of merchandise by land, sea and air and to purchase, hire, take on lease or otherwise acquire any lands, docks, canals, waterways, warehouses, wharves, buildings or machinery, and to construct and equip them.
To build, purchase, hire or take on charter any ships, tugs, barges, lorries, vans, trailers and other vessels or vehicles of any description.
To carry on business as carriers of passengers, livestock, other animals and goods; as shipping, chartering, forwarding and transport agents; as stevedores, wharfingers, transport contractors and agents, cargo superintendents, packers and haulers; as warehousemen and proprietors of warehouses; and as coach and other vehicle proprietors, garage proprietors, and to establish and carry on business as tourist agency, travel bureau and booking office, and to act as customs’ clearing agents.
Carriers Haulage and Transport
To carry on business as general carriers and freight forwarders and to provide carrier freight transport, courier, truck, light or heavy haulage and delivery services by land, road, railway, sea, river, canal, water, or air for and in connection with any containers, packages, parcels, mails, goods or bulk commodities.
To carry passengers by air, road, rail, land, sea or water, and to operate any taxi service and to construct, equip, maintain, work, purchase, sell, export, import, lease, hire, let on hire, repair, refurbish, or otherwise deal in any aircraft, ship, car, bus or any kind of vehicle or mode of transport.
To carry, collect, receive, load, unload, store, consign, distribute, transfer and deliver goods, wares, merchandise, parcels, packages, baggage, freight, animals, livestock, timber, coal, oil, ores and other minerals and other property of every description by any mode of transportation, and generally for such purposes to acquire, manage and operate warehouses, and bonded warehouses, act as agents for shippers and consigners, and to issue warehouse warrants and receipts and bills of lading.
To produce, manufacture, treat, process, prepare, refine, import, export, purchase, sell and to deal in either as principals or as agents either solely or in partnership with others all types and kinds of cement and cement products such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles, garden wares, plaster of paris, line pipes, building materials and otherwise and articles, things, compounds and preparations thereof.
To carry on the business as manufacturers and sellers of and dealers and workers in of all kind lime, plasters, whiting, clay, grewel, gypsum, artificial stone and all builders requisition made out of cement and cement products.
To carry on the business as manufactures, processors, assemblers, dealers, importers, exporters, designers, developers, producers, distributors, sellers, in all kinds of Porcelain, ceramic tiles wall panels, floor ties, and other porcelain and allied products, acid resistant and fire resistant refractories, bricks and tiles and their by products and their main and derivative industries including extraction and processing of raw materials required there for and the manufacture of machines and complete range of equipment for the ceramic and allied industries, glazes.
To manufacture porcelain, chinaware, glassware articles of industrial and domestic application, to act as contractors, engineers erectors, fabricators, consultants in supplying, installing and laying the Company’s products.
To explore, extract smelt, refine, put to use any mineral product through Electro-metallurgical, Electro-chemical and chemical-engineering processes and manufacture and deal in silicon carbide, silocomanganese, calcium carbide.
To act as stockists, distributors, agents, and brokers for sellers, buyers, exporters, importers, manufacturers, merchants, tradesmen and others and generally to undertake and carryout agency work of any kind whatsoever relating to the above business.
Chamber of Commerce
To promote and protect the internal and external trade and the manufacturing industries and to provide for the formation and exchange of views on all questions connected with the conduct of any traders or manufacturers and to represent express and give effect to the opinions of traders and manufacturers on commercial or mercantile matters of all kinds, to promote or oppose Bills in Legislative Assembly or Parliament or other measures affecting such traders or manufacturers, to collect and circulate commercial statistics and information of all kinds.
To undertake and arrange for the settlement by arbitration of trade disputes.
To enter into agreements with other Chambers of Commerce and other bodies for the advancement of trade and manufacture and the protection of traders and manufacturers and to subscribe to and promote the aims and objects of any society or association having similar objects to all or any of the objects of the association and to encourage and support any society, association or movement for the improvement of commercial law.
To subscribe to local and national charities and to grant donations for public purpose.
Charitable Purpose
To promote healthcare, education, social empowerment and rural empowerment on charitable basis.
To promote mitigation of poverty in India, by carrying on Microfinancing Activities as permitted by “The Reserve Bank of India”, either directly or through self help groups with the sole object of promoting the development in economies, well being of urban and rural poor. No objects of the company will be carried out without obtaining prior approval/ no objection certificate from the concerned authorities, wherever required. None of the objects of the company will be carried out on commercial basis.
To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, distilling, compounding, formulating, acquiring, buying, selling, importing, exporting and dealing in all enzyme products from animal, microbial, plant sources, products from fish sources, vegetable and herb extracts, agricultural products including cattle feed, and all chemicals heavy or fine, organic, inorganic, biological or any other formulations, derivatives and compounds thereof from mineral origin or from other chemicals or from by-products or waste products of other trades and industries and other branded preparations and compounds, derivatives and formulations thereof and consumers products based thereon, pharmaceutical specialties, surgical specialties, cosmetics, germicides, detergents and acids.
To establish and run an extraction plant for the extraction of oils, coloring matters, crude drugs and other extracts from seeds, barks, cakes, flowers, plants in all forms for the production of natural colorants, alkaloids, steroids, other drugs and medicines and other products.
To cultivate, crush, utilize, buy sell and deal in seeds, substances, and plants of every description.
Clinical Research
To carry on the business of manufacturing, developing, exporting, importing and selling innovative medical products and services to improve the lives of patients with debilitating diseases in India or any where else.
To carry on clinical research and development in multiple medical fields including but not limited to genetic disease, kidney disease, orthopaedics, cardiovascular disease, cancer, immune-mediated disease and transplantation in India or any where else.
To establish & maintain laboratories to carry on research in field as mentioned above.
Cold Storages
To construct, erect, build, equip, own, and maintain and to carry on business as keepers of cold storages, storages chambers, ice-plants, warehouses, refrigerators, freezing houses and room coolers and to carry on and undertake storage, packing, removal carrying delivery, purchases, sale and exchange of fish, seafood, marine products and processed fish, seafood, marine products meats, eggs, poultry products, protein foods, milk, cream, cheese, butter, bacons, sausages, fruits, roots, vegetables or other substances made of all or any of them and canned, tinned and processed foods of every description.
Communication Equipment
To carry on the business of assembling, buying, selling, trading, reselling, exchanging, manufacturing, altering, modifying importing, exporting, hiring and to engineer, deve-lop, design, produce, fabricate and to act as agents, sub-agents, distributors, traders, representatives and otherwise deal in all types , telecommunication equipments and consumer items and articles related thereto.
To carry on the business of developing, designing, selling customized communication solutions, communication software’s, end to end solutions and licensed packages thereto.
To carry on the business of assembling, buying, selling, reselling, exchanging, manufacturing, altering, modifying, importing, exporting, hiring and to engineer, develop, design, produce, fabricate, and to act as agents, sub-agents, traders, marketing, distributor’s, representative in computerized scientific equipments, photocopiers. and other allied products and articles related thereto.
To carry on the business as dealers, manufacturers, exporters, importers, makers, assemblers marketing in all type of communication devices, fax machines, telex, telephonic equipments, and their parts and accessories to provide services in relation to above communication devices and to provide all types of services in respect of business communication.
To carry on the business of distribution of satellite television channels through cables.
To act as authorised distributors, re-distributors of satellite television pay channels.
Communication Towers
To carry on the business of all kinds of communications, networks products and solutions, dealing in all equipment products and solutions related to telecom, radio, television, wireless networks and services and make available all equipment, products and solutions required for the telecommunications sector in India; provide post sales services.
To carry on the business through ownership, management, operation, leasing and development of wireless and broadcast communication sites or towers, antenna systems/antenna space, wireless and radios broadcast transmission, Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology facilities , and to operate through segments including but not limited to Rental Management and Network Development Services. To engage in the business of providing basic telecommunication services, IP-I services and IP-II services within and outside the territory of India.
To provide Network development services for site acquisition, zoning and permitting service and structural analysis service that support site/tower leasing operation and addition of new tenants and equipments on the site/ tower. and to carry on research and development work in relation to any or all of the above and with particular relation to communication equipment .
To carry on the business of building, establishing, setting-up, acquiring, developing, advising on ,managing, providing , operating and/or maintaining, facilitating conduct of fully or partially infrastructure facilities and services thereof for all kinds of value added services including payment gateway services, long distance telephony services, e-commerce services and data-com services, video tech access points, multimedia access points, internal access points, voicemail services, email services, video conferencing services, fax store and forward services, enhanced faxed services, internet services including basic and advance services and to carry on the business as advisors, suppliers, traders of data processing and information retrieval systems, virtual private network services and broad band network services, application services ATM services, data centre services including hosting services, application services and co-location services, computer hardware and software of all kinds which incorporate use and used in conjunction with or ancillary to systems of such description as aforesaid and any of the apparatus and equipment comprised therein.
Corporate Advisory
To carry on the business of providing all kinds of corporate advisory services in the areas of setting up of organization, project syndication, wealth management, portfolio management, investment advisory, financial planning, asset allocation, risk profiling, investment research cash budgeting, estate / will planning and taxation issues.
To provide execute, undertake and provide services in the areas of investment research, institutional equity and fixed income investment planning, derivatives advisory and wealth management solutions that include portfolio management, investment advisory & financial planning. advise & consultancy for investments in financial products like mutual funds, RBI bonds, small savings investment plans, retirement plans and IPO’S. Strategic advise and provides critical financial advice in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, equity capital markets, strategic advice, privatizations, structured financial solutions, management of IPO?s, rights issues, buy back offers, open offers, and private placements of equity, venture capital funds, private equity funds for equity placements, & to plan effective delivery platform for its clients
To work as advisors and consultants and to provide services for project syndication, project loan syndication, structured debt syndication, debt restructuring, mutual funds, banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and private sector funds. to provide consultancy for efficient execution, quality research and high degree of compliance in primary & secondary markets. it provide investment advisory in various products including govt. securities, treasury bills, bonds and debentures, state guaranteed papers and commercial papers.
To undertake global research and advisory in any area and products, such as capital market research in equity, debt, knowledge of individual scripts and technical aspects of maket price movements and to train and provide investment education for financial and non-financial assets.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of proprietary product, hair, skin, nail and other beauty preparations, deodorants, aerosol, pump spray products, baby products, petroleum and mineral oil products, chemicals, acids and alkalis, all kinds of perfumery and other compounds, preparations, materials and products, bath products, care products, cotton swabs, family planning appliances, hair dyes pigments, varnishes, essential oils, detergents, insecticides, oils, beauty specialities, preparations, aids and accessories of every description whether medicated, antiseptic or not, ingredients or accessories thereof and other materials or things capable of being used in connection with such manner, factor or business.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of raw and finished cosmetics, perfumes and essences, dentifrices, lotions, extracts, greases, creams, salves, ointments, pomades, powders, ungentes, eau de cologne, toilet requisites and preparations, cleansing compounds.
Departmental Store
To carry on the business as buyers, sellers, traders, importers, exporters, merchant exporters, departments, stores, brokers, distributors, factors, stockiest, dealers, consultants, and agents, for any government, semi-government or autonomous body , organization of National or Friendly foreign origin of all type of medicines, medical & surgical equipment , chemical & chemical preparations, plastic and linoleum articles, glass, stones, and glass beds, ornaments, artificial & costume jewellaries, pearls, drugs, and medicine soaps, paints, instruments, & apparatus, machineries, and mill work and parts, thereof, paper, stationary, pulp, woodraps, rubber, wax quartz, crystals, dhupbatti & all other agriculture produce and products thereof , furniture and packing material, all kind of computer and computer consumables, computer software development, computer hardware, communication, apparatus, & systems, electronics, and electrical items, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and its, scrapes, and hardware items, bathroom, fittings and all other items.
To act as export and import house in connection with business as referred to in sub-clause (1) above.
To carry on the business as buyers, sellers, traders, importers, exporters, merchant exporters, department stores, brokers, distributors, factors, stockiest, dealers, packers, repacker, baller, consultants and agents, on such sweet shop & restaurants coffee shops.
Dry Cleaners and Launderers
To carry on all or any of the businesses of dry cleaners, launderers, dyers and laundry sundriesmen and the business of repairing tailors and a valeting service; to dye, colour, bleach, wash, clean, dry, press, disinfect, renovate, waterproof and prepare for use articles of wearing apparel, household, domestic, or other linen, silk, cotton, woollen and fibrous goods, clothing and fabrics of every description, upholstery, carpets, furniture and other articles and substances, domestic or otherwise.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in chemicals, dyestuffs, detergents, soaps, disinfectants, and dyeing, bleaching, cleaning, dressing, finishing and other plant, machinery and apparatus; and all materials and substances capable of being used for the purposes of the above-mentioned businesses or any of them, or likely to be required by any of the customers of the company.
To carry on all or any of the businesses usually carried on by dry cleaners, dyers and launderers of man-made fibers woollen, silken and cotton bearing apparels and clothing or cloths of every and all kinds of descriptions.
To control, manage on payment of commission or otherwise drycleaning and washing plants and businesses of all kinds which may be deemed necessary or convenient for the running of any business which the company is authorised to carry on.
To construct, erect, work, maintain, improve, alter or assist in the erection, construction, working, maintenance, improvement or alteration of any buildings, drycleaning plants or machinery or soaps and factories, plants, works, cars, wagons, lorries, carts and other works and to contribute to the expenses of constructing, improving, maintaining, working and repairing any of the same.
To purchase, sell, manufacture, import, export or otherwise deal in all types of drycleaning plants, dryers, steam presses and household washing machines.
To carry construct, operate, provide, procure, dispose, distribute install, repair, maintain facilitate roads, pipelines, dams, bridges, flyovers, pathways, under bridges, sub-ways, electric installations, towers, single, buy mooring, mooring systems, jetties, and operating plate forms, communication services facilities including letting out, hire out rent out of various machinery, equipment or other capital goods, heavy earthmoving equipments, dozers vibe rollers, cranes, D.G. sets, raw material, construction material accessories technology knowhow for any of the aforesaid object.
To purchase, develop construct renovate repair, maintain, acquire or dispose off whether for or for resale any building whether commercial or residential , factory, shed, building, mills, houses, cottages, shops, ware houses, godowns farmhouse, parks mineral rights, concessions, privileges, licenses, easement or internet in or with respect to any immovable property whatsoever in consideration for gross sum or rent or partly in one way and partly property in other or for any other consideration.
Electronic Kilowat / Hour Meters
To manufacture and / or produce and / or otherwise engage generally in the manufacture or production of or dealing in electrical kilowatt / hour meters, magnets, electro magnets, power cable, industrial jewels, ammeters, voltmeters and other type of measuring instruments, electrical or non-electric, die castings, screws, nuts and bolts, transformers of all types circuit breakers, punched card machine, computers and calculators, hoist elevators, trolleys and coaches, winches, power generators, magnetic separators, winders, air compressors, welders fans of all types, switches and motors of all types, drill, electric grinders, air conditioners, refrigerators, domestic washing machines, television and wireless apparatus including radio receivers and transmitters, electronic instruments, diods transistors and allied items, watches and clocks, cameras and any other household appliances and any equipment used in generation, transmission and receiving of sound light and electrical impulses, and components parts thereof and other materials and products in India and elsewhere.
To manufacture, trade, develop, import, export, buy, sell, (on installments hire purchase, or other basis) distribute, services, repair, convert after, let on hire and otherwise deal in electronics, electrical, electromechanical technical components equipment’s, heater & other types of ups, cvt stabilizers fans coolers of air cooling refrigerator, heater & other type of domestic & industrial heater assemblies & instrumentation for air condition. Medical equipment’s office equipment, computer and other industrial domestic, appliances, and similar article/products devices & their accessories, stores, raw material spares, parts, components, assemblies and all kinds of control devices, instruments, appliances, apparatus, and measuring instruments used there in.
To render consultancy services, know-how and technical collaboration in the field of human resource, development, market surveys, teanderlity reports, designing project planning execution supervision/monitory liason for light, heavy other electronic items and other appliances thereof.
To carry on business of dealers, exporters, importers, traders, suppliers, distributors, merchants stockiest, hirers, leasors, buyers, sellers, consultants, and agents, jobbers, referred in clause (1).
To carry on in India or outside India or elsewhere the business to present, produce, arrange, manage, organize, conduct, sponsor, compose, edit, plan, design, exhibit, demonstrate, promote, operate, participate, collaborate and run at national and international level all sorts of shows and modeling, films, programmes of song, music, dance, film star, pop star, T.V. channels, entertainment web-sites and for the purpose to engage, book or hire artists, authors, story writers, musicians, models, performers, and other persons and agencies.
To carry on the business of production, distribution or exhibition of films and motion pictures and the running of theatres, cinemas, studios, and cinematographic shows and exhibitions.
To carry on at any place or premises all or any of the businesses of circus, concert hall, amusement parks, theme parks, cinema, ballroom, hippodrome, night-club, super-club and theater proprietors and agents; box-office keepers, ticket agents, showmen, exhibitors, song, music, play, programme and general publishers, printers, scene, proscenium and caterers for public and private amusements and entertainments of every description.
To carry on the businesses of entertainment promoters, sports promoters, artistes, managers and representatives in all or any spheres of entertainment and sport.
To provide on such terms as may seem expedient all or any of the management, secretarial, advertising, publicity, accountancy, merchandising, personal and social facilities and services required or used in connection with their professional engagements by artistes and others engaged in theatrical, film, radio, television entertainment or sporting activities.
Exploration and prospecting
To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire freehold and other lands, properties, mines and mineral properties, and exploration rights, concessions, leases, claims, licences of or other interests in mines, mining and offshore rights, mineral properties and water rights, either solely or jointly with others.
To prospect, explore, develop and work claims or mines, drill and sink shafts or wells and raise, pump, dig and quarry for gold, silver, minerals, ores, diamonds and precious stones, oil, petroleum, natural gas, coal, earth, and other substances.
To acquire by purchase, concession or lease, to take in exchange or otherwise, or to erect, construct and alter, buildings, railways, roads, shafts, furnaces, crushing and other machinery, works for smelting or otherwise treating, removing and storing metals and minerals, and for crushing, working, manufacturing, purifying, cutting, polishing or otherwise processing precious metals, diamonds and precious stones, minerals, ores, earth and other substances.
To employ and pay mining experts, agents, and other persons, partnerships, companies or corporations, and to organise, equip and despatch expeditions for prospecting, exploring, reporting on, surveying, working and developing lands and properties, whether owned by this company or not, and to make advances to, and pay for or contribute to the expenses of, and otherwise assist persons or companies prospecting, acquiring, settling on, farming, building on, mining, or otherwise developing any lands and properties, or desirous of so doing.
To carry on business as land and mine owners, miners, metallurgists, metal workers, builders and contractors, engineers, manufacturers, farmers, vehicle and equipment proprietors, traders, shipowners, ship brokers, importers and exporters, and to buy, sell and deal in property of all kinds.
Farming, Horticulture and Processing
To carry on the business of farming, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, dairies, cultivators of all kinds of food grains, seeds, fruit, proprietors of orchard and traders, exporters and sellers of and dealers in products of farming, dairy, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture and pisciculture and fishing and manufacturers of drinks, alcoholic or otherwise including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
To carry on the business of cultivators, growers, manufacturers, millers, grinders, rollers, processors, coldstorers, canners and preservers and dealers of food grains and other agricultural dairy, horticulture and poultry products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines, flowers, drinks, fluids, gas and fresh, and preservable products.
To extract by products and derivatives, whether edibles, pharmaceuticals, medical or of any kind or nature whatsoever and food preparations of every kind and description.
To carry on all or any of the business of farmers, pastoralists, grazers, agriculturalists, orchardists, nurserymen, market gardeners, harvesters, stock breeders, stud masters, wool growers, sheep shearers, wool scourers, and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in farm, dairy, agricultural and garden produce of every description.
To purchase and acquire, sell and dispose of, deal in, import, export, breed and fatten cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, poultry, game and livestock of every description, animal feedstuffs, animal semen, chemicals, vitamins, hormones and other substances related to breeding or treatment of livestock and poultry and other commodities, goods or things connected therewith or related thereto.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in cheese, butter, yogurt, condensed and tinned milk and every form of milk sold in containers or of a special grade or equality, egg powders, powdered milk and all other products of farm produce.
Fertilizers and Chemicals
To carry on the business of manufacture, imports, exports, distributors, dealers , and agents in ago chemical products, fertilizers and insecticides, pesticides chemical manure including nitrogenous, phosphoric , potassium like urca, ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitro phosphate and other nitrogen allied chemicals, super phosphates, single, double, triple and allied phosphoric manures, potassium manures and granulated manures, mixtures of N.P.K different composition and of different proportions of N.P.K, di-ammonium phosphates, muriate of potash, dolomite gypsum, organic manure, leather meat, bone meat, hoofs and horns, meat bone, grist, sterilized animal meat, potassium chloride, crystals, sodium nitrate, fertilizers, mixture of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate (and ) mixture of calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate and also in all types of liquid and vegetable fertilizers.
To carry on the business of manufacturing, refining and preparing all classes and kinds of fertilizers and all classes and kinds of chemicals including petro chemicals and plastics and industrial and other preparations arising from or required in the manufacture of any kind of fertilizers and chemicals and to carry on any operation or processes of mixing, granulating different chemicals or fertilizers.
To manufacture acids, alkalies, corrosive, anti- corrosive substances, non corrosive substances, all kinds of chemicals and petro chemicals as elements and intermediates moderators or in mixture or compound forms.
To buy, sell, import, export, treat in and deal in any kind of chemicals, petro chemicals and plastics, fertilizers or other things which the company is authorized to manufacture and any raw materials required for the manufacturing of any chemicals or fertilizers or other things which this company is authorized to manufacture.
Film Equipment’s
To carry on the business of manufactures, producers, exporters, importers, hirers, dealers, distributors and exhibitors of raw films, chemicals, photographic and optical goods, cinematographic films, video cassettes, apparatus, recorders, machinery and equipment pertaining to or required for the film developing, printing , processing, editing, sound recording, re-recording, transferring, dubbing of sound, video taping, transferring film to video, duplicating video cassettes, discs or any format and to edit various formats.
To arrange, produce, secure, procure, acquire, retain, purchases, publish, dispose of and distribute advertisement films, TV serials, feature films, and programmes of educational, cultural, devotional, industrial, health entertainment, family welfare, tourism, Government and of other of interest.
Film Production and Distribution
To carry on in India or outside India or elsewhere the business to present, produce, arrange, manage, organize, conduct, sponsor, compose, edit, plan, design, exhibit, demonstrate, promote, operate, participate, collaborate and run at national and international level all sorts of shows and modeling, films, programmes of song, music, dance, film star, pop star, T.V. channels, entertainment web-sites and for the purpose to engage, book or hire artists, authors, story writers, musicians, models, performers, and other persons and agencies.
To establish, purchase, take on lease or hire or otherwise acquire and maintain and to sell, give on lease or hire studios, laboratories, cinemas, picture places, halls, theatres, etc. for production, processing and printing of films.
To carry on the business of exhibiting and distributing cinematographic films, television films, video films and acquire or selling rights therein.
To act as manufacturers, distributors, purchasers and sellers of all kinds of films and to produce and distribute motion pictures and to act as distributors and exhibitors of motion pictures produced by other companies.
To carry on the business of film manufacturers, film apparatus manufacturers, film producers, both sound and silent, hippodrome and circus proprietors, picture places and studios.
To carry on the business of letting or subletting the use of cinema hall, theatres, picture, places, studios or other machinery, apparatus, building or structure of the company for the purpose use, exhibitions, display of films, dramatic or theatrical performances, concerts or other entertainment, of amusements or objects allied to or of similar kinds as of the company and to provide for similar kinds as of the company and to provide for the production, directions, exhibitions, representation display, whether by mechanical means or otherwise of plays, open air or other theatrical performances, operas, vaudevilles, ballets, pantomime, juggling , mesmetic, yogic hyphotic, spectacular.
Finance and Investment Consultants
To carry on the business of an investment trust company and to underwrite, sub –underwrite, to invest in, and acquire and hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in shares, debentures, debenture-stocks, bonds, units; obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by Indian or Foreign Governments, State, Dominions, Sovereigns, Municipalities, or Public Authorities or Bodies and share, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued and guaranteed by any company, corporation, firm or person whether incorporated or established in India or elsewhere.
To act as financial consultants, management consultants, and provide advice, services, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing.
To take part in the formation, supervision or control of the business operations and any company or undertaking and for that purpose to act as an Issue House, Registrars and Share Transfer Agents, Secretaries, Financial Advisors or Technical Consultants or in any other capacity and to appoint and remunerate any directors, administrators or accountants or other experts or agents.
To reserve money on deposit at interest or otherwise for fixed periods, and to lend money on any terms that may be thought fit and particularly to customers or other persons in corporations having dealing with the Company. The Company shall not carry on any business of banking as defined by the Banking Companies Act, 1949 or any statutory modification thereof.
To manage investment pools, mutual funds, syndicates in shares, stocks, securities, finance and real estate.
To act as Investment Consultants, stock brokers, underwriters and to invest or subscribe for purchase or otherwise, acquire and sell, dispose of exchange, hold and otherwise deal in shares or other securities issued by any authority Central, State, Municipal, Local or otherwise and to carry on the business generally carried on by investment companies.
To carry on the business of financial and investment consultants, finance brokers, stock brokers, underwriters, registrars, issue house, portfolio management and to invest or subscribe for purchase or otherwise acquire and sell, dispose of, exchange, hold and otherwise deal in shares or other securities issued by any authority Central, State, Municipal Local or otherwise and to carry on the business generally carried on by finance and investment companies.
To act as consultants or advisors of any firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and generally subject as aforesaid, to act as consultants or advisors and to undertake part in the management supervision or control of the business or operation of any person, firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and, if necessary, for such purpose or purpose to appoint and remunerate any offices of the company, accountants or other experts or agents.
To carry on the business as financial advisors and to advise and assist in all financial, costing, accounting internal control and other similar matters to advise and assist in the preparation of all revenue and capital budgets, developments of funds, long term planning or utilisation of resources, procuring bank and institutional finance including cash, credit facilities, overdraft facilities, subscription of debentures and term loans, to assess the needs of short and long term credit facilities and raising of resources, to advise and assist in the formulation of procedures for prevention of fraud, wastage, financial and cost accounting procedure and other connected matters to advise and assist in formulating long term financial policies and control of their execution, and generally to advise and assist in all financial, fiscal and revenue matters.
Financial Services
To carry on the business of providing consultancy or advisory services related to project finance and personal finance, loan syndication, to act as marketing agents of banks, financial institution and Financial service providers.
To carry on the business of an investment company and to invest the capital and other moneys of the company in the purchase or upon the security of shares, stocks, units, debentures, debentures-stocks, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, corporations or undertakings of whatever nature whether incorporate or otherwise and whosoever constituted or carrying on business and to buy , sell or otherwise deal in shares, stocks, debentures stocks, bonds, notes , mortgages, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by Government, Sovereign, Ruler, commissioners, trusts, municipal, local or other authority or body whatsoever nature in Indian or abroad
To carry on the business of merchant bankers, lead managers, management consultants, project appraisals, loan syndication, structured debt syndication, debt restructuring and advisors on all aspect of corporate financial and commercial matters and to act as an asset management company and/or to sponsor the set-up of mutual funds, asset management company and trustee company in India or anywhere in the world.
Fire Fighting Equipment’s
To carry on business, manufacturing, selling, purchasing, importing, exporting, servicing , acting as agent, broker and otherwise dealing in all types of fire extinguishers, firefighting and safety equipment’s, breathing equipment’s, life saving devices and other engineering goods, instruments, appliances, equipment’s, accessories and component parts.
To provide all services including consultancy and contract services relating to pollution control, corrosion prevention, testing, firefighting, safety, security, waste disposal, port and harbor development, to generate, develop, extract, manufacture, deal in, sell hire or lease as case may be, energy, food and other products or by products from the sea, harbors, estuaries, rivers, lakes, dams and other sources through hydraulic, physical, chemical or other means or processes and to manufacture, parent.
Fishing Trawlers
To carry on the business manufacturing , buying , selling , acting as agent, import, export of and deal in either as principals or agents by sale, purchase or by letting, hiring or otherwise to enter into contract(s) for takeover, negotiable or otherwise acquire any trawlers, deep sea fishers, fish carriers, fish curers, wholesale and retail fish merchants, cold storage keepers, warehouse men, utilizers of fish refuse, marine storekeepers, drivers, auctioneers, assessors, wharfingers, carriers and rewarding agents and also to carry on the business as manufacturers, importers and exporters of bass of jibs, ice, fish and other implements, apparatus, instruments and processing and canning of the products of the company.
Flour Mills
To carry on the business of millers in all its branches and to set up mills for milling wheat, gram, other grains and cereals, dal, basin, maida, atta, suji and other allied products, and to manufacture food products; such as biscuit, flakes, dalia and confectionery from flours or all kinds and description and to set up factories or mills for the manufacture thereof.
To carry on the business of producing, extracting, refining, storing, exporting, importing, transporting and dealing in flour of all kinds and description whatsoever and to construct and run flour mills of any kinds or description.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all machinery used in the manufacture of flour, dal, basin, biscuit, flakes and allied products.
Fluid control Products and Valves
To carry on the business of manufacturing, assembling, repairing, buying, selling, exchanging, altering, importing and exporting, letting on hire, distributing, or dealing in all kinds of and description of Fluid Control Products, Piston Valves, Ball Valves, Level Indicators and all other types and ranges of valves and components, spare parts, stores and accessories and fitting appliances, apparatus of all kinds and all things capable of being used therewith or in the manufacturing and maintenance for working thereof respectively.
To carry on the business of manufacturers of, dealers in, hirers, repairers, cleaners, stores and warehouses, exporters and importers of all sealing products including gaskets, Friction material, brake linings, clutch facings, components for general industrial use and for the Automotive Industries and in particular for Motors cars, lorries, motor cycles, airplanes, Bicycles and carriages, amphibious, vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea or in the air, or in any combination thereof, and vehicles of all kinds whether moved by mechanical power or not.
Food Processing
To manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, can, refine, bottle, buy, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, meats, egg, poultry, vegetables, canned and tinned and processed foods, , deep frozen foods including sea foods, deep frozen vegetables, deep frozen cooked and semi cooked varieties of food, preserved fruits, protein, health and instant foods of all kinds including baby and deistic foods, cereals, beverages, cordials, tonics, restoratives and aerated mineral waters and food stuffs and consumable provisions of very description for human or animal consumption and to carry on business in all natural, artificial, synthetic or chemical edible food colour.
To transact and carry on business as manufacturers, importers and exporters of all sorts of fruits, food, foodstuffs, canned fruits, chocolates, candies, jams, preserves, jellies, peppermints, juice, syrups, beverages, waters, wines, cordials, restorative and drinks of all kinds.
To carry on the business of manufacturers and merchants and dealers and distributors of canned food, packed food, squashes, aerated water, mineral water, syrups, soft drinks, fruit drinks, milk and milk products and beverages of every description.
To carry on business as brewers distillers and manufacturers of and merchants and dealers of squashes, syrups, aerated water and of casks, bottles and other receptacles for the same, and of malt, hops, grains, meal, yeast and all other material and things capable of being used in connection with any such manufacture of business.
To bottle and sell and distribute sterilized flavored milk and to bottle and sell and distribute the beverages and to produce, store, purchase, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in flavored milk and beverages.
To cultivate, tea, coffee, cinchona, rubber, all kinds of fruits, vegetables, flowers and trees and to carry on the business of tea planters in all its branches, to carry on and work the business of cultivators, winnowers and buyers of every kind of fruits, dried or otherwise vegetables, flowers, mineral to prepare, manufacture and render marketable any such produce and to sell, dispose of and deal in any such produce, either in its prepared, manufactured or raw state and either by wholesale or retail.
To cultivate, grow, produce or deal in any dairy products and to carry on the business of farmers, dairymen, contractors, dairy farmers, millers, purveyors and vendors of milk, cream, cheese, butter, poultry and provisions of all kinds, growers of and dealer sin corn, hay and straw, seed men, and nursery men and to buy, sell and trade in any goods usually traded in any of the above business or any usually traded in any of the above business or business associated with the farming interest which may be advantageously carried on by the company.
To purchase, sell, import, export produce or otherwise deal in preserved vegetables tinned fruits and all types of food products, food grains, develop and exploit farms, horticulture, agricultural, animal husbandry, dairy, poultry and allied farming business to assist anyone in this business and to carry on the business of farming and aerial spraying.
To acquire, collect and gather by finishing or purchase all varieties of sea-food (including prawns, shrimps, lobsters, pomfrets) and to process, pack and prepare the same for sale and export.
To carry on the business as producers of and dealers in food stuffs and good products of every description whether for human animal or poultry consumption, fish, milk, butter, cream, cheese, oil, fruits, vegetables, confectionery, sweet-meats, sugar, jams, jellies, pickles, drinks, beverages or as distillers and masters in all its branches.
Foot Wear
To carry on business in and outside India as manufacturers, producers, processors, repairers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all types of boots, shoes, clogs, all kinds of footwear, rubber, and plastic goods, boots, trees, laces, buckles, leggings, boot polish, purses, bags, boxes, belts and accessories and fittings.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all types of leather tanning machines, leather sewing and cutting, finishing machine, tools and implements.
Founders and Forgers
To carry on business as iron masters, iron founders, iron workers, steel makers, blast furnace proprietors, brass founders and metal makers, refiners and metal makers, refiners and workers generally ship builders and shipwrights, dock and wharf proprietors, colliery proprietors, ore importers and workers, sandblast workers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, construction engineers, marine engineers, civil engineers, consulting manufacturers, mill wrights, wheel wrights, cement and asbestos, manufacturers, wood and timber merchants, joiners, woodworkers, manufacturing chemists, quarry owners, brick and tile manufacturing, galvanisers, machinists, japanners, annealers, wecklers, enamellers, electro and chromium platers, polishers, painters, warehousemen, storage contractors, garage proprietors and oil merchants and contractors generally.
To carry on business as manufacturers and repairers of and dealers in forgings, castings, guns, projectiles, plates, boilers, engines, stoves, screws, nails, sewing machines, machinery, presses, implements, gears, motor cars, tools, and engineering products and suppliers of all kinds, motor buses, omnibuses, coaches, tramcars, locomotives, railway carriages and trucks, and other vehicles, airoplanes, seaplanes, airships and other aircrafts, ironmongery and hardware and wireless goods.
To set up steel furnaces and to carry on the business of iron founders, metal founders, metal presses, metal rollers, metal work, rolling mills, metal converters , manufacturers of metal hinges and other utensils, mechanical engineers and manufacturers of workshop equipment’s, ball and roller bearings, compressors, medium and light machines and tools, industrial and agricultural implements and machinery, power driven or otherwise, brass founders, boiler makers, mill wrights, mechanists, galvanisers, electroplaters, iron and steel converters smiths and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convey alter let on hire and deal machinery, implements rolling stocks, rolling stock metal and hardware’s of all kinds.
Foundry Equipment
To carry on the business as manufacturers, fabricators, producers, importers, exporters, dealers, agents, stockiest, retailers, traders or brokers of all kinds of foundry equipment’s, mould boxes, ingot moulds, material handling equipment’s, tools, machine tools, gadgets, accessories, spares and machinery including steam engines and turbines, internal combustion engines and other types of prime movers, Industrial machinery especially for textiles, jute, rayon, sugar, tea, mining, metallurgical, cement, glass, chemical, pharmaceuticals, and paper industries general items of machinery such as equipment’s for various units, processes including size reduction equipment. Covering equipment, size separation units, mixers and reactors, centrifugal machines, evaporators, distillation equipment, crystallisers, driers, power driven pumps, reciprocating centrifugal and the like, air and gas compressors and vaccum pipes, electrical furnaces, refrigeration and firefighting equipment, high tensile bolts and nuts, expanded metal fishing hooks and tackle, grinding wheels, segments and media, pins and malleable castings.
To carry on the business of iron founders, civil and mechanical engineers, consulting engineers, project engineers, technical consultants and manufacturers of agricultural, industrial and other machinery and toll, kits, machine tool makers, stainless steel makers, fabricators, smelters, manufacturers of tools and implements and iron and alloy founders brass founders, metal workers, boiler makers of locomotive and engines of every description, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel, converters, smiths, wood workers, builders, painters, chemists, metallurgist, electrical engineers, water supply engines, gas makers, framers, printers, carriers and to buy, sell, design specify, manufacture, fabricate export, import, repair, convert, alter, let on hire and deal in machinery, implements, plants, tools, tackles, instruments, rolling stock and hardware, of all kinds, general fittings, accessories and appliances of all description made of metal alloy, glass or any other material and any parts of such accessories or fittings and generally to carry on business as merchants, importers and exporters and to transact and carry on all kinds of agency business.
Fuel and Other Oils
To carry on the business of manufacturers ,producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors of, importers and dealers in fuel and other oils, petroleum of every kind and the business of refineries of such oils and all accessories required for petroleum and the manufacture of lubricating oils and all accessories required for the equipment and operation of the said oil wells and refineries and to manufacture, sell, deal, import and export the by-product of petroleum and lubricating oils.
To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters and suppliers of coal, fuel, mill gin stores, leather beltings, bleaching materials, sizing materials, lubricating oils, refined oils, packing materials, machinery, spindles, looms parts accessories and materials required or necessary for any textile, jute, silk, or woollen mill and all other articles ,made of leather, rubber, canvas and other material.
To buy, sell, manufacture, produce or otherwise deal in petrol, oil, lubricants, spirit, kerosene, gas and other motive power necessary or required for motors and other vehicles and for other purposes and to supply tyres, tubes, spare part, accessories, machinery and upholstery required for any car of other vehicle.
To carry on the business of manufacturing, importing, exporting, distributing, selling, buying, marketing, mixing and dealing in special smokeless fuel and its by-products derived from coal and allied substances, carbon, coal, natural coal, coke and other cokes, coal tar, pitches, carbonetrachloride processing by chemicals, petrochemicals and prepare in all varieties and sizes and in all organic components.
Fuel Conservation Equipment
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, fabricators, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockiest, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, or otherwise deal in all kinds of equipment for improving the fuel efficiency and to increase the level of operational output of engines and automotive and non-automotive applications.
To design, fabricate, assemble, produce, service and or manufacture related equipment in the field of fuel conservation and operation efficiency for use in automotive, marine, aircraft, industrial, domestic and other applications and other allied field or conservation of fuel and energy either alone or with the help of or in collaboration with others and to undertake and carry on research and devolvement activities in the above fields.
To market the related equipment in the field of fuel/energy saving systems and/or ancillaries, fabricated, assembled, produced and manufactured by the company and or acquired by the company on global basis.
To acquire, own, impart, market, own as well as other technical know-how for the conservation of fuel/energy and other allied fields including import and sell related equipment and devices in the field or fuel/energy saving systems as representatives, agents or otherwise.
Fuel Injection Equipment
To carry on the business of manufacturers, assemblers, exporters, importers and dealers in all types of fuel injection equipment and parts thereof and all types of combustion engines including oil and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotives, road rollers, automobiles, trucks, tractors and accessories and parts and equipment thereof and all types of prime movers, machine tools and industrial and agricultural machinery and plant and implements and accessories and parts and equipment’s thereof and scooters, three wheelers, pumps, air compressors, pneumatic plants and spare parts and accessories and equipment thereof; to carry on the business of iron founder, machinists, mechanical and electrical engineers, tool and die makers, brass founders, heat theaters, metal workers, boiler makers, mill wrights, iron and steel converters, smith saddlers, wood workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, waterworks engineer, manufacturers and suppliers of atomic power gas generators, framers, printers, carriers and merchants and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire and deal in machinery, implements rolling stocks and hardware of all kinds.
To carry on the business of manufacturers, repairers, importers, exporters or otherwise dealers in furniture and fixtures made from various kind of wood, brass, steel, fiber glass, plastics or other alloys and to carry on the business by wholesale or retail and whether manufacturing or otherwise of house furnishers, upholsters and dealers in and hirers, repairs, cleaners, stores and warehouse of furniture, carpets, linoleums, furnishings fabrics and other fiber coverings household utensils, china and glass goods fittings, colorful curtains, handmade home furnishings and carpets household requisites of all kinds and all the things capable of being used therewith or in the maintenance and repair thereof.
To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in , all types of furniture equipment appliances for domestic, office, industrial and agricultural uses from metal, wooden and synthetic material or in any composition thereof.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, converters, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in gas, coke, tar and all other residual products resulting from the manufacture of gas or the extraction of natural gas, and to carry on all the business which may conveniently by carried on in conjunction with any such activity.
To supply gas for lighting, heating, motive power or any other purpose.
To acquire, construct, erect, lay, maintain, enlarge, and use all such lands, buildings, easements, gas and other works, machinery, plants, pipes, motors, meters, apparatus, materials and things, and to supply all such materials, products and things as may be convenient in conjunction with the production, use, storage, measurement, supply and distribution of any of the products of the company.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, converters, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbonic acid, acetylene and any other gases or kindred substances, or any compounds thereof by any process, engines, electrodes, transformers, gas cylinders, compressors, welding machines and other apparatus and conveniences which may seem calculated to promote (directly or indirectly) the consumption of gases.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, converters, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in metals, substances and materials, of all kinds (including glass) which may be usefully or conveniently employed in the manufacture of receivers for compressed or liquefied or other gases, and all machinery, appliances, tools, articles and things used or capable of being used for closing or in the manufacture of appliances for closing such receivers or for closing or stopping bottles or for liberating the gases or other contents of any such receivers or the tools required for or used in the manufacture of any such article or things or for any of the purposes aforesaid.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, converters, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in dissolved acetylene, acetylene lamps, generators and plants, acetylene apparatus and accessories and other apparatus, appliances, articles and things which may seem calculated to promote or to be capable of being used in connection with the consumption of dissolved acetylene.
General Mining
To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any coal mines, iron mines, and other mines, mining ground, and minerals, and any mining rights, grants, concessions and easements, and any lands or other property necessary or convenient for the advantageous possession and use of the mines or works for the time being owned or worked by the company, or any interest therein respectively, and to search for, get, bring to surface, make merchantable, and sell and dispose of coal, ironstone, and other ores, metals and minerals, and substances of the earth whatsoever.
To acquire, prospect for, open, explore, develop, work, improve, maintain and manage mines and mineral lands and deposits, and to dig for, raise, crush, wash, smelt, assay, analyse, reduce, amalgamate, refine, pipe, convey, and otherwise treat ores, metals and minerals, whether belonging to the company or not, and to render the same merchantable and to sell or otherwise dispose of the same or any part thereof or interest therein.
To construct works to carry on the business of a mining, smelting and refining company and for such purposes to construct, carry out, repair, maintain, improve, manage, work, control and superintend any roads, ways, shafts, tunnels, railways, bridges, coaling stations, reservoirs, watercourses, aqueducts, docks, wharves, furnaces, coke ovens, plant, engines, machinery, mills, factories, warehouses, ships, boats, dwelling houses, offices buildings and other works and conveniences which may seem appropriate, and conducive to any of the objects of the company, and to contribute to or otherwise aid or take part in any such operations, and to purchase, hire, or build and repair, and trade with, ships, boats, railway wagons or trucks or trolleys or any other rolling stock, or any other means of transport.
To carry on the business relating to the finding and working of minerals, the production and working of metals.
To act as designers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, leveled and unleveled silvered sheet, curved or flat laminated and safety glass, toughened glass, fiber glass, welding glass, silver glass, colored glass, float and plate glass, lead glass, gold mirror, decorative glass, ice flowered glass, glass doors and fittings.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, designers, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of glass, glassware, glass goods, mirrors, looking glass, scientific glass, wares, sheet and plate glass and to carry on the business of glass patent solvers, glass embosser ecclesiastical lead worker, tablet, show card and show case manufacturers.
To carry on the business of a glass manufacturer, glass beveler, silverer, embosser, engraver, led worker and show case manufacturer, and of a producer of mirrors, containers and other articles made of or incorporating glass in sheet or fabricated form.
Henna & Herbal Products
To carry on the business of traders, produce, convert, commercialize, formulate, compound develop, derive, discover, grade, manipulate, prepare, promote, pack, repack, extract, mix, supply, import, export, buy, sell, wholesale, retail, turn to account, and to act as agent, broker, concessionaire, c& f, agent, stockiest, distributors, collaborator, transporter, consultant, job worker, vendor, contractor, or otherwise to deal in all varieties, mixtures, descriptions specifications, coverage, characteristics & applications, of colour, mehandi, herbal product & die product.
To run beauty parlors, training, centre, mehandi fashion shows & institution on franchise basis.
Hire Purchase and Investment
To finance hire, purchase, requirements of buses, lorries, ships, aircrafts of all descriptions, machinery, buildings, tractors, various type of automobiles and equipment’s , ancillaries ,. of the transport undertaking meaning a company, corporation or departmental undertaking which is engaged in the operations, management, repairs, maintenance, manufacture or trading of any mode of transport be it by road, sea, or air.
To undertake hire, purchase arrangements for the purpose of acquisition of aircrafts , ships, lorries, buses, tractors, machinery, various type of automobiles and equipment’s , buildings, ancillaries etc. required for the operation, maintenance and repairs of the transport undertakings as well as units involved in the manufacture, processing or storage of the spare parts connected with these units.
To assist the transport undertakings with long or medium term loans or subscribe to their shares capital, equity or preference, debentures or assist in other ways within the restrictions imposed by the Reserve Bank of India or any other authority under the law in force from time to time.
To establish or assist to establish companies or firms for undertaking work, projects or enterprises of any description whether of a private or public character in India or elsewhere and to acquire underwrite and dispose of shares and interest in any such companies or firms or in any other company to firm or in the undertakings thereof.
To execute directly or by the contributions or other assistance any such or other work, undertakings, projects and enterprise for anyone else or on behalf of anyone else either on contract agency.
To procure capital for any company and issue capital of such companies and to subscribe for, purchase, dispose of and otherwise deal in the shares, bonds and securities of such companies or any other securities and to invest the surplus fund of the company in inter corporate or other deposits or to provide loans to individuals, firms and corporation.
To receive money on deposits, current account or otherwise with or without interest and to receive and deposit title deeds and other securities and to lend money and negotiate loans of every description and transact business as capitalist, promoters and financial and monetary agents and to give any guarantee for the payment of money for the performance of any obligation or undertaking.
To invest in immovable property like land, buildings, flats, bungalows, row houses or acquire, improve, manage, develop all rights in respect of leasehold and freehold rights or properties and to sell and dispose of, turn to account and otherwise deal with the property of all kinds including land, buildings, patents, copy rights etc.
To form, promote, subsidies and assist companies, syndicates and firms and to aid municipal or other local body or company or firms or individuals with capital, credit, means or resources for the execution of any works, undertakings, projects or enterprise;
To carry on the business of financiers, concessionaries and merchants and to undertake and carry and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations.
To carry on the business of financing and advancing short term and long term loans and credits to individuals, companies or association of individuals by whatever name called and either on securities such as lands, buildings or part thereof, machinery, plants, chattels, vehicles, shares, debentures, government securities, stock certificates, life insurance policies and unit stock-in-trade or on guarantee or clean without securities and to finance leasing operation of all kinds.
To carry on business as financiers, concessionaries and merchants and the business of hire purchase in all its branches and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, industrial, commercial, trading and other operations.
Hire Purchase and Investment
To finance hire, purchase, requirements of buses, lorries, ships, aircrafts of all descriptions, machinery, buildings, tractors, various type of automobiles and equipment’s , ancillaries ,. of the transport undertaking meaning a company, corporation or departmental undertaking which is engaged in the operations, management, repairs, maintenance, manufacture or trading of any mode of transport be it by road, sea, or air.
To undertake hire, purchase arrangements for the purpose of acquisition of aircrafts , ships, lorries, buses, tractors, machinery, various type of automobiles and equipment’s , buildings, ancillaries etc. required for the operation, maintenance and repairs of the transport undertakings as well as units involved in the manufacture, processing or storage of the spare parts connected with these units.
To assist the transport undertakings with long or medium term loans or subscribe to their shares capital, equity or preference, debentures or assist in other ways within the restrictions imposed by the Reserve Bank of India or any other authority under the law in force from time to time.
To establish or assist to establish companies or firms for undertaking work, projects or enterprises of any description whether of a private or public character in India or elsewhere and to acquire underwrite and dispose of shares and interest in any such companies or firms or in any other company to firm or in the undertakings thereof.
To execute directly or by the contributions or other assistance any such or other work, undertakings, projects and enterprise for anyone else or on behalf of anyone else either on contract agency.
To procure capital for any company and issue capital of such companies and to subscribe for, purchase, dispose of and otherwise deal in the shares, bonds and securities of such companies or any other securities and to invest the surplus fund of the company in inter corporate or other deposits or to provide loans to individuals, firms and corporation.
To receive money on deposits, current account or otherwise with or without interest and to receive and deposit title deeds and other securities and to lend money and negotiate loans of every description and transact business as capitalist, promoters and financial and monetary agents and to give any guarantee for the payment of money for the performance of any obligation or undertaking.
To invest in immovable property like land, buildings, flats, bungalows, row houses or acquire, improve, manage, develop all rights in respect of leasehold and freehold rights or properties and to sell and dispose of, turn to account and otherwise deal with the property of all kinds including land, buildings, patents, copy rights etc.
To form, promote, subsidies and assist companies, syndicates and firms and to aid municipal or other local body or company or firms or individuals with capital, credit, means or resources for the execution of any works, undertakings, projects or enterprise;
To carry on the business of financiers, concessionaries and merchants and to undertake and carry and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations.
To carry on the business of financing and advancing short term and long term loans and credits to individuals, companies or association of individuals by whatever name called and either on securities such as lands, buildings or part thereof, machinery, plants, chattels, vehicles, shares, debentures, government securities, stock certificates, life insurance policies and unit stock-in-trade or on guarantee or clean without securities and to finance leasing operation of all kinds.
To carry on business as financiers, concessionaries and merchants and the business of hire purchase in all its branches and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, industrial, commercial, trading and other operations.
Hosiery & Textiles
To manufacture, assemble, develop, manipulate, construct, buy, sell, import, export, trade, repair, services, maintain, install, exchange, alter distribute, buy, or sell on hire purchase system or installment to leased out or taken on lease , prepare for market all kinds of hosiery products, textiles products, including socks and undergarments.
To import, export, buy, sell, deal, manipulate and prepare for market, all kinds of machinery used for manufacturing, hosiery products and readymade garments.
To import, export, buy, sell, deal, manipulate and prepare for market, readymade, garments, of all types and description.
To act as agent, sub-agent, distributors, commission agents, representatives, warehousemen, merchants, traders, stockiest, sales organizers of all goods specified above.
To provide management and technical consultancy services in the field of hosiery and textile industry.
Hospital & Clinics
To develop, construct, acquire, establish and maintain hospital(s) for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness, or mental defect or for the reception and treatment of persons during convalescence, or of persons requiring medical attention, or rehabilitation, solely for philanthropic purposes and not for purposes of profit.
To found, establish or takeover, and/or otherwise conduct research institutions in all discipline of medical and surgical knowledge.
To provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied, in all systems and discipline or medical and surgical knowledge, keeping in view the socio-medical and socio-needs of the afflicted community.
To encourage and discover new medical and/or surgical management of diseases and affections and to investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and findings and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and license or other protective devices relating to the result of any discovery, investigations, findings or researches and to acquire any processes upon such terms as may seem expedient and to improve the same.
To provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities for the discovery, improvement or devolvement of new method of diagnosis, understanding and treatment of diseases.
To conduct and to carry on experiment and to provide funds for research works and for scholarship, stipend, remuneration and/or other payment or aid to any person or persons engaged in research work, or work conducted with or conductive to research and to encourageand to improve knowledge of the persons who are engaged or likely to be engaged in any medical or related profession so as to make available relief to the public at large.
Hotel Proprietors
To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, conference center, motel, holiday camp, leisure center, caravan site, cafe, tavern, beer house, boarding and lodging house keepers, clubs, baths, dressing room, laundries, reading, writing and newspaper rooms, libraries, grounds and places of amusements and recreation, sport, entertainment, and apartment-house proprietors.
To equip and furnish any property for the purpose of letting it to visitors or guests, whether in single rooms, suites, chalets, caravans, movable structures, cottages or otherwise.
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, or otherwise deal in all types of food and food products, meat, fish, groceries, fruit, confectionery, wine, spirits, beer and other beverages whether alcoholic or not, tobacco, chemists’ and druggists’ supplies, linen, furniture, furnishings and other articles required by visitors to the company’s premises and others.
To adapt any of the property of the company as, and to build or rent, shops, offices and other places of business, and to use or lease any part of the property of the company not required for the above purposes.
To carry on the business of trade, sell buy export, import repair, install, let, take on lease, fabricators, or otherwise deal in all kinds, development of technology of water purifier, water descriptions and marketing of all types of aqua water filters water treatment plants. Home utilities products and fans including air circulator fans, exhaust fans, cable, wires, cables network , electrical, & electrical items & products, cooler kits, switches, motors, star/delta power starters, relay condensers, motor starter, battery, elements, control panels, magnetic amplifiers, reactor, electronic, control unit, chokes, light fitting and spare parts, components, and accessories of above items.
Household Electrical Appliances
To carry on the business of trade, erect, sell, buy, export, import, repair, install, let, take on lease, fabricators, or otherwise, deal in all kinds, descriptions, of aqua water filters, aqua water treatment planet, water purifying systems, and form of household electrical appliances such as prasses/irons, professionals irons hot plates ovens, grillers, cooking, rangers, heater, cooler, stoves, dish geysers, toasters, juicers, mixers, plastic & polythene electrical; products, thermostats, radio, television, VCR & VCP. , computers, printers, electrical bells, cellular phone, pager, fax, phones, cordless phones, stereo systems, heat convertors, refrigerators, air conditioners, CVT, UPS invertors, and decorative lights of all kinds and all kinds of electrical and electronic component and parts.
Housekeeping Services
To carry on the business of providing services and expertise for various cleaning and housekeeping requirements like dusting, sweeping, mopping, garbage removal, scrubbing, rinsing, periodical requirements of through cleaning, washing, brass/chrome polishing, floor scrubbing, vaccum cleaning, high level cleaning, deep cleaning, dry and wet cleaning sofa/carpet shampooing etc. as per the need of any facilities, organizations and/or business houses like office, hotels, shopping malls, call centres & guesthouses, residential & farm house facilities etc. in India or elsewhere.
To carry on in the business of providing of manpower, machines, cleaning agents and other related equipments and material connected with house keeping and cleaning requirements as a above said.
Industrial Gases
gases, either in gaseous or in liquid form and to deal in plants, machines, appliances components, parts, articles connected with industrial gases or allied products.
To carry on the business of manufacturing and Compressing Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbonic Acid, Acetylene, Argon, Freon and any other gases or Kindered substances or any compounds thereof, to deal with, manufacture, and render saleable coke, Coaltarpitch, asphaltum, ammonica, lliquor and other residual products obtained in the manufacture of gas.
To manufacture buy, sell, let on hire and deal in engines, electrodes, transformers, gas cylinders, compressors, welding machines, and other apparatus and conveniences which may seem calculated to promote the consumption of gases
To manufacture and deal in metals, substances and materials of all kinds including glass, natural or artificial produce which may be conveniently used or employed in the manufacture of receivers for compressed or liquidied or other gases and all machineries, appliances, tools, articles and things used or capable of being used for closing or in the manufacture of appliances for closing such receivers or for closing or stopping bottles or for liberating the gases or other contents of any such receivers or the tools required for or used in the manufacture of any such articles or things or for any of the purposes aforesaid.
Infrastructure Industries
power/energy generating stations, including buildings, structures, works, machineries, equipments, cables and to undertake or to carry on the business of managing, owning, controlling, erecting, commissioning, operating, running, leasing or transferring to third person/s, Power plants and Plants based on conventional or non-conventional energy sources, Solar Energy Plants, Wind energy Plants, Mechanical, Electrical, Hydel, Civil Engineering works and similar projects.
To conceive, plan, survey, design, study and evaluate all steps, process, techniques and methods for setting up of all types of Infrastructure Projects, facilities or works, and to finance, build, construct, install, erect, undertake, lay down, commission, establish, own, operate, manage, control, and administer, lease, transfer, all Infrastructure Projects, facilities or works including Industrial/ Agricultural Parks, Gardens, Roads, Bridges, Fly-overs, Highways, Roadways, structures and facilities, Rail-roads, Railway Stations, Platforms, Railway Yards, Rail Tracks including gauge conversions thereof, Railway Electrification, Tram-ways, Buildings, Wells, Water-Courses, Dams, Canals, Reservoirs, Urban and Rural Water Supply System, Sewerage and Underground drainage systems, Airstrips, Airports, Seaports, Berths, Jetties, Quays, Docks and Marine structures of all types, Rapid Transport and Telecommunication Systems of all types, Transportation Systems, Irrigation Projects, Water-Ways, Water Supply Schemes including distribution systems, Chemical Plants, Fertilizer Plants, Distillery Plants, LPG and all types of Petroleum Products, Handling and Storage Plants and Terminals, Handling Equipments of various types, Pumping Stations, Light Rail Transport systems for cities, Mass Housing Projects, Industrial Plants of all types, Industrial and Technology parks and civil projects, Environmental based projects and Equipments, Gas pipeline projects and other pipeline projects, Oil Exploration projects, On-shore/off shore projects, Airport facilities, Electronics Hardware Technology Park Complexes, Schools, Colleges, and other educational or vocational Institutions, Public halls, Museums, Libraries, Garages, Hospitals, Health Centers, Community Centers, Hotels, Holiday Homes and/or Beach Resorts and to render all services in connection thereto as planners, Designers, Consultants, Constructors, Builders, Developers, Architects, Engineers, Storage Services, Erectors, Installers, Commissioning Agents, Management Consultants, and to act and to carry on the business as Manufactures, Suppliers, Dealers, Representatives, Stockists, Dealers, Assigners of patents & Trade Marks, Franchisers, Distributors of all types of plants, Machinery, Equipments, Tools, Raw-materials, Intermediaries and other related products and consumables in connection with the aforesaid activities, Industries and Projects.
To enter into any contract, Agreements, Memorandum of understanding, Joint Ventures, Arrangements or such other mode of Contracts with Government of India, State Governments, Foreign Governments, Municipal/Local Authorities, Bodies Corporate, Persons or such other Authorities whether in India or elsewhere as the Company may deem fit on the basis of Build-Own-Lease-Transfer (BOLT) Built-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) Built-Own-Operate (BOO) or such other methods for the purposes of carrying out the objects of the Company.
To enter into, manage, undertake, carry on and engaged in the business of Real Estate Development, Land Development, Area Estate and Site Development and to carry on the Business as Planners, Builders, Real Estate Developers, Architects and Civil Engineers, Contractors, Real Estate Brokers, Agents, Brick Makers, and to build/construct own, operate, maintain, manage, control and administer, Earth Works, farmhouses, Parks, Gardens, Row-houses, Duplex Apartments, Commercial, Residential or Industrial building Complexes, Retail Stores, Shopping Centers, Market Yards and deal in, manage and carry on all types of businesses and profession related to land dealings, buildings, farms, estates, properties, areas and sites and to act and undertake and carry on business as stockists, manufacturers, representatives, suppliers, dealers, agents, distributors, marketeers, importers and exporters of all types of building and construction machineries, equipments, materials and related products.
To own, acquire, purchase, possess, hold and deal in agriculture land, farms, plots, fields, sites, estates, gardens, groves and all description of vacant or non-vacant lands with or without trees, minerals and other substances whatsoever, with or without building, hereditaments and apartments thereto and to plant, ground, processes and produce cashewnuts, coconuts, mangoes, papayas, pepsines, rubber and other agricultural crops, agricultural products or produce, trees, plants, fruits and flowers of any kind thereon and to carry on the business as growers, agriculturists, agricultural researchers, horticulturists, sericulturists and florists.
Insurance (Accident)
To grant policies or other instruments of assurance or insurance against, or assuring compensation or payment in case of death or injury to health or body by reason of accident or misadventure including ship wreck or air crash or violent incident and to assure payment during sickness or incapacity, arising from general or other than above causes.
To grant assurance or insurance upon the contingency of injury or loss or damage by reason of accidents of any description to horses, cattle, and other animals, plate and other glass, or real and personal property of any kind.
To contribute to funds of such hospitals or other institutions for medical services provided to the company’s clients in cases of accident or illness.
Insurance (Fire and Other Damage to Property
To insure houses, buildings, premises, merchandise, and all other property and effects, real and personal, against loss or damage by fire, explosion, lightning, storm, tempest, flood, aircraft and things dropped therefrom, accident or otherwise, and to carry on the ordinary business of fire insurance in all its branches.
To rebuild, repair, replace or reinstate, houses, buildings, machinery, and every other description of property which may be insured by the company, and to carry on any kind of business necessary or expedient for any such purposes.
Insurance (General)
To carry on all kinds of insurance business, and all kinds of guarantee and indemnity business, and in particular, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words, to carry on life, fire, marine, vehicle, aviation, accident, employers’ liability, workmen’s compensation, disease, disability and death, sickness, survivorship, failure of issue, third party, burglary and robbery, theft, loss of profits, disturbance or interruption of trade, storm tempest, explosion, willful damage, fidelity, transit, mortgage and investment insurance, and the issue of performance and guarantee bonds.
To grant insurances against loss or damage arising from any contingency whatsoever or in consequence of the happening or non-happening of any event and to carry on and transact every kind of insurance business which now is or which may come to be incidental to or associated with any kind of insurance business herein specially mentioned.To grant, purchase, or sell endowments and annuities, either for lives or for years, or on survivorships, and either immediate, deferred, determinable, contingent, or reversionary and other estates, interests, and securities, whether in real or personal property, and generally to undertake and transact all matters and business which may be in any way connected with or depend upon contingencies.
To become surety by bond or otherwise for the acts or defaults of any person or class of persons in any employment or holding any position of trust or confidence and to guarantee the due performance of any obligation and to indemnify or guarantee principals and employers against injury, loss or damage arising from the acts or defaults of agents, servants, workmen and others in their employment or acting on their behalf, whether such liability arises under Act of Parliament or otherwise and to enter into administration bonds, admiralty bail bonds and other bonds relating to legal process and generally to carry on all matters of business which may be transacted by fidelity assurance company.
To underwrite credit, life insurance and credit accident and health insurance related to extension of credit and to undertake and carry out all matters of business that now are or may come to be connected with any kind of the foregoing business.
To reinsure and counter-insure all or any risks, and to undertake all kinds of re-insurance and counter-insurance with any of the business aforesaid.
To carry on business as actuaries, insurance brokers, insurance agents and underwriting agents in any branch or aspect and to effect and transact, whether as principal, agent, manager, broker or otherwise, all kinds of insurance, reinsurance, assurance endowment, annuity, guarantee, brokerage and indemnity in any branch or aspect and in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing to carry on the business of brokers and agents for those classes of insurance business comprising life and pension schemes.
To promote, effect, insure, underwrite, act as trustee in connection with, participate in, manage and carry out any issue, public or private, of state, municipal or other loans, or of shares, stock, debentures, interests or debenture stock of any company, corporation or association, and to lend money for the purposes of any such issue.
To act as the agent for the issue of any bills, bonds, debentures, debenture stock, stocks or shares whether or not offered to the public for subscription and to guarantee or underwrite the subscription of any such securities or shares and to act as trustee with or without remuneration or undertake trusts of any description or the estates of deceased persons and to receive for safe custody, deeds, securities or other documents or money or any personal chattels with or without undertaking liability for any loss thereof or injury thereto and to undertake all kinds of agency business.
To contract with leaseholders, borrowers, lenders, annuitants and others for the establishment, accumulation, provision and payment of sinking funds, depreciation funds, renewal funds, endowment funds and any other special funds, whether in consideration of a lump sum, or annual premium, or otherwise, and generally on such terms and conditions as may be arranged.
Insurance (Life)
To grant assurances of all kinds payable upon the happening of all or any of the following events, namely, the death or marriage, or birth or failure of issue of, or the attainment of a given age by any person or persons, or the expiration of any fixed or ascertainable period, or the occurance of any contingency or event which would or might be taken to affect the interest (whether in possession, vested, contingent, expectant, prospective, or otherwise) of any person or persons in any property, or the loss or recovery of contractual or testamentary capacity in any person or persons.
To grant annuities, immediate or deferred, payable for any fixed or other period, or contingent as to their commencement or determination upon the happening of all or any of the events above mentioned.
Generally to transact the business of a life assurance company, including the sale and purchase or re-purchase of annuities and reversionery interests, and life or other interests of uncertain duration or commencement, and endowments for children, and all other business relating to or commonly transacted by life assurance companies.
Insurance (marine and Flight)
To insure against every description of marine risk and air flight risk which may legally be undertaken, relating to the perils of the sea and air, fire, war, reprisals, and all other risks of a like nature incidental to navigation or travel (marine or aerial) ships, aeroplanes, vessels, and craft of all descriptions, and also the freights, goods, merchandise, cargo, earnings, and any property whatsoever, in or on board of the same, so far as the same may be effected or made according to law.
To insure all other matters and things which lawfully may or can be from time to time insured, or be the subject of insurance against perils of the sea or air, and also generally to carry on other branches and departments of the business of marine and airflight insurance.
Insurance (Securities and Investments)
To insure or give any guarantee in relation to any stock, shares, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, obligations or securities issued by any company or institution or of any government, or authority, or of any person or persons whomsoever, whether corporate or unincorporated.
To insure or give any guarantee against calls and demands for contribution in respect of any liability incident to the ownership of any shares or stock in any company or undertaking.To insure or guarantee the holders of, or persons interested in, or proposing or intending to become holders of any shares, stock, or securities issued at a premium, or standing at a premium, against loss arising from redemption at par, depreciation or otherwise.
To insure or guarantee the safety of securities and property of all kinds placed on deposit with the company or elsewhere, or entrusted to the company or other persons or companies for transmission, or otherwise.
To insure and guarantee the due payment and performance of bills of exchange, promissory notes, debts, contracts and obligations of all kinds.
To grant indemnities to companies or their shareholders, debenture holders or the holders of any security against rights and damages arising from the loss of certificates or other documents of title and indemnities in respect of the loss of title documents generally.
Insurance Brokers
To carry on business as insurance brokers and agents, and as underwriting agents in all classes of insurance business, and as insurance advisers, pensions advisers, consultant assessors, valuers, surveyors, average adjusters and mortgage brokers, to provide hire purchase and consumer credit finance and to act as factors.
Interior Decorators
To carry the business of manufacturing trading, buy, sell, re-sell, supply, import, export, transport, store, forward, distribute, dispose, develop, handle, manipulate, market, supply or otherwise to deal in all types furniture, interior, designing and consulting relating to interiors & decorators.
To provide design & consultancy services for interiors decorators.
To carry on business as export advisors, designers, providers of technical knowhow’s in interiors decorators.
Investment (General)
To carry on business as investment holding company and for that purpose to invest or use the moneys and property of the company in such manner as the directors may think fit and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to advance, deposit or lend moneys, securities and property to or with such persons, companies or corporations on such security or without security and on such terms and conditions as to the directors may seem expedient and to issue on commission, subscribe for, take, acquire, hold, sell and exchange share stocks, bonds, obligations, debentures, mortgages or securities of any government or other competent authority, company or persons.
To invest in, acquire and hold either in its own name whether beneficially or otherwise or in the name of a nominee of or trustee for the company, all forms of real and personal property in any part of the world for any estate or interest therein and whether legal or equitable and in particular and without restricting the generality of the foregoing in.
Iron and Steel
To carry on the business of ironmasters, steel makers, steel converters, manufacturers of ferro-manganese, colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners, smelters, engineers, tin plate makers and iron founder, in all their respective branches.
To search for, get, work, raise, make merchantable, sell and deal in iron, coal, iron stone, lime stone, manganese, ferro-mangenese, magnesite clay, fire clay, brick earth, bricks, and other metals, minerals and substances, and to manufacture and sell briquettes and other fuel, and generally to undertake and carry on any business, transaction or operation commonly undertaken or carried on by explorers, prospectors or concessionaires and to search for, win, work, get, calcine, amalgamate, dress, refine and prepare for the market any quartz and ore and mineral substances, and to carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, inventors, convertors, repairers, cleaners, assemblers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in minerals and mineral products, plants and machinery and other things capable of being used in connection with mining or metallurgical operations or required by the workmen and other employed by the Company.
Jewellers and Precious Stones
To carry on the business as goldsmiths, silversmiths, manufacture and merchants of all type of jewellery made of precious metal and precious stone, dealers, stockiest, brokers, repairs, designers, assemblers or hirers, agents, importers and exporters, of bullion, diamond and other precious stones, jewels, gold silver, platinum and other precious and semi precious metals, ornaments, jewellery, articles, and goods ,made partly or fully above mentioned materials, stones or metal or as the company may consider capable of being conveniently dealt with I relation to its said business.
To carry on the business as importers, exporters dealers, stockiest, agents of all type of machine tools used in the manufacturing of the items mentioned in the preceding para.
To carry on the business as manufactures dealers, importers, exporters stockiest, maker of all type of artificial jewellery and its parts.
To carry on the business as the refiners of all type of precious metals
Leather Dealers
To carry on the business of tanning and finishing of hides and skins and leathers and dealers of leather of all types and description, including the manufacture of and dealers in various leather items such as garments upholstered briefcases, shoe uppers, and other articles of all types and description made out of leather.
To carry on the business of manufacturing, distribution and supplying of dresses, readymade garments and wearing apparel made of leather of all kinds.
to carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, repairers, hirers, stockiest and distributors of and dealers in leather cloth and all allied products made of leather and leather cloth.
To carry on business as importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers. or otherwise deal in textile, textile goods, cotton, silk, wool. linen, hemp, jute and yarns of all kinds and fabrics made of such yarns, and all kinds of synthetic or partially synthetic fabrics, waterproof fabrics and articles made from them, natural fabrics, fashion materials, imitation fur, buttons, belts and zip and other fasteners, linings of all kinds, canvas, umbrellas, marquees flags and all kinds of fabrics or articles in which fabrics of any kind Is used.
To carry on the business of trading, designing, inventing, importing, exporting, distributing of otherwise dealing in all kinds of readymade garments, fabrication of all type of garments and accessories, fabrics, hosiery goods hosiery cloth, textile goods, woolen garments, costumes, shawls, tweeds, linens, flannels and all other articles of textile, hosiery, yarn, woolen and worsted materials and all articles similar to the foregoing or any of the them or connected therewith.
To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers & sellers of all types of fashion accessories, equipments for interior designing and other lifestyle products
Live Stock
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to produce, breed, develop, care & nurse for commercial use all type of animals and live stock such as cow, ox , bull, buffaloes, dogs, bitches, rabbits, horses, mares, he goat, she goat, pigeons, cocks, fowls, hens, fish, chickens, bees, sheep, and to establish undertake, organize promote and run poultry farms, fish farms, piggery dairy farms, aquaculture farms, and similar places and to buy sell, import, export, collaborate, wastes, by-products, residuals, carcass, milk products, honey etc. and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of foregoing objects.
To carry on the business of general logistic service provider.
To carry on business as general carriers and freight forwarders and to provide passenger carrier services, carrier freight transport, courier, truck, light or heavy haulage and delivery services by land, road, railway, sea, river, canal, water, or air for and in connection with any containers, packages, parcels, mails, goods or bulk commodities and for that purpose to purchase , hire or take on charter any ships, tugs, barges, lorries, vans, trailers and other vessels or vehicles of any description .
To carry, collect, store, consign, distribute, transfer and deliver goods, wares, post, merchandise, parcels, packages, baggage, freight, animals, livestock, timber, coal, oil, ores and other minerals and other property of every description by any mode of transportation, and generally for such purposes to acquire, manage and operate warehouses, and bonded warehouses, act as agents for shippers and consigners, and to issue warehouse warrants and receipts and bills of lading.
To invent, develop, design, manufacture, fabricate, process, prepare, assemble, or cause to be designed, fabricated, processed, assembled and manufactured planet and machinery, equipment, appliances, instrument, tools, and things, required for the manufacture of chemicals, cellulose, paper and pulp, synthetics, textile, plastic, and other allied product including, auxiliary and utility plant and equipment.
To manufacture, assemble, produce, work, repair, distribute, buy and sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of lathes, shapers, drillers, grinders, boring machine, slotters, milling machines, scientific and precision instruments.
To carry on and conduct workshop, engineering works of every description and kind and foundries of iron and steel, brass and other metals, wood and any substances.
To carry on the manufacture of all kinds of printing, coating, reprography, hot stamping, foil laminating, converting machinery and its components.
Management Consultancy
To carry on the business of management consultants and advisors and to provide management services in all forms and aspects of trade and industry, including, without limitation, problem solving, team building, strategic and operational planning, corporate communications, information technology and knowledge management, corporate management, productivity, profitability, human resource development, change processes, recruitment of managerial personnel, manpower planning, cost control, marketing, advertisement, and any other related activity, to companies, bodies corporate, governments central or state, municipal or local authority, society, undertaking, institution or any association of persons or any individual, whether in India or abroad.
To carry out research and development activities in relation to the objects in (1) above, including investigation, preparation and drafting of all manner of studies including economic and commercial studies. To collect information and data and submit reports on feasibility of new projects and/or improvements to and/or expansion of existing projects, to diagnose operational difficulties and weaknesses and suggest remedial measures to improve and modernize existing projects, undertakings and businesses.
Merchant Banking Company
To carry on the business of merchant bankers, lead managers, management consultants, project appraisals, loan syndication, structured debt syndication, debt restructuring and advisors on all aspect of corporate financial and commercial matters and to act as an asset management company and/or to sponsor the set-up of mutual funds, asset management company and trustee company in India or anywhere in the world.
To provide execute, undertake and provide services in the areas of investment research, institutional equity, derivatives advisory and wealth management solutions that include portfolio management, investment advisory & financial planning in India or anywhere in the world.
To provide Strategic advise and provides critical financial advise in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, equity capital markets, strategic advice, privatizations, structured financial solutions, management of IPO’s, rights issues, buy back offers, open offers, and private placements of equity, venture capital funds, private equity funds for equity placements & to plan effective delivery platform for its clients in India or anywhere in the world.
To undertake global research and advisory in any area and products, such as capital market research in equity, debt, knowledge of individual scripts and technical aspects of market price movements and to train and provide investment education – for financial and non-financial assets
Power Generation Company
To carryon in India or elsewhere the business of establishing, commissioning, setting up, operating and maintaining electric power generating stations based on conventional/non-conventional resources including garbage and other waste materials, tie-lines, sub-stations and transmission lines on ownership and/or build, own and transfer (BOT) and/or build, own, lease and transfer (BOLT) and/or build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) basis and to carryon in India or elsewhere the business of acquiring, operating, managing and maintaining existing power generation stations, tie-lines, sub-stations and transmission lines, either owned by the private sector or public sector or the Government or Governments or other public authorities and for any or all of the aforesaid purposes, to do all the necessary or ancillary activities as may be considered necessary or beneficial or desirable.
To carry on the business of an electric Power, Light and Supply Company in all its branches, and in particular to construct, lay down, establish, fix and carry out all necessary power stations, cables, wires, lines, accumulators, lamps and works, and to generate, acquire by purchase in bulk, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity, and to light cities, towns, streets, docks, markets, theatres, buildings and places, both public and private.
To carryon the business of electrician, mechanical engineers, suppliers of electricity for the purposes of light, heat, motive power or otherwise, and manufacturers of and dealers in apparatus and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity, galvanism, magnetism or otherwise.To acquire concessions or licenses granted by, and enter into contracts with the Government of India or the Government of any Province in India, or the Government of any State in India, or any municipal or local authority, company or person in India, or elsewhere, for the construction and maintenance of an electric installation for the production, transmission or use of electric power for lighting, heating, pumping, signalling, telephonic, or traction or motive purposes, including the application thereof to tramcars, omnibuses, carriages, ships, conveyances and objects, or any other purpose.
To generate, acquire by purchase in bulk, develop and accumulate electrical power at the place or places contemplated by the said License and to transmit, distribute and supply such power throughout the area of supply named therein; and generally to generate, acquire by purchase in bulk, develop and accumulate power at any other place or places and to transmit, distribute and supply such power.
Real Estate Construction Infrastructure
To carry on business of contractors, Builders, Town planners, Infrastructure developers, Estate developers and Engineers land developers, Land Scapers, estate agents, immovable property dealers and to acquire, buy, purchase, hire or otherwise lands, buildings, civil works immovable property of any tenure or any interest in the same and to erect and construct, houses, flats, bungalows, kothis or civil work of every type on the land of the Company or any other land or immovable property whether belonging to the Company or not and to pull down, rebuild, enlarge alter and other conveniences and to deal with and improve, property of the Company or any other Immovable property in India or abroad.
To erect, construct, build, water proofing, sewage, demolish, fabricate, execute, carry out, improve, work, develop and enlarge, rebuild, repair, maintenance, administer, manage or control in India or abroad- on any land or immovable property of the Company or upon any other land or immovable property in any capacity and conveniences of all ,kinds, including turnkey jobs, railway, tramway speedway, runways. roads aerodromes, sewage, theatres, cinema halls, piers, wharvers, Dams, barrages, reservoirs, embankments, canals , irrigations, power houses, transmission lines, reclamation, improvement sewage, drainage, sanitary works, for building hotels, houses, markets, private public and all kind of Conveniences and to carry out business of builders and civil engineers, architects. estimators and designers thereof.
To promote, buy, acquire, sell, lease. exchange, hire, give on relit, to let, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the lands, industrial Complexes, houses. buildings, farm houses, agricultural lands, and other immovable property of the Company or other immovable property including any share or shares, interest or interests therein and to transact on commission or otherwise business of real estates agents and to apply for purchase through tender or otherwise acquire civil contracts for or in relation to water proofing, sewage, construction, execution, equipment, improvement, management, administrations or control of mechanical and civil works and conveniences and to undertake, execute, dispose or otherwise turn to account the same.
To carry on the business of architects, consultants civil engineers civil testers, builders and developers of land contractors, colonisers, civil contractors and undertake any residential, commercial or Industrial, construction either independently or jointly in partnership, joint venture or on agency or sub contracts basis with or on behalf of any individual firm, body corporate, association or society, Central or State Government, Cantonment board or any local authority to work as colonizer, developer of land and farm houses and buildings for residential purposes.
Rice mill
To provide the security guards (Armed/Unarmed) for security purposes to the individual persons, corporate bodies to carry on the business as traders, exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, principals, agents stockiest and in all and every kind and natural of security systems and devices viz fire alarms burglar alarms or other electronics gadgets, bullet proof jackets, close circuit TVS, cameras and metal detectors.
To plan establish setup and carry on the business of rendering investigation, detective and security services in all their spheres and area viz. to carry on the business selection, recruitment, placement and training of guards skilled and unskilled managerial administrative, technical supervisors, security guards, gunman, security officer and other personnel services elsewhere. To establish and render consultancy with reference to intelligence & security & investigation detective services of every kind nature & description.
To develop, design, structure, establish, maintain, market, buy, import, export, sell, provide, license, implement and set up Support Services business and units, Business Services businesses and units, Support Centers, Business Centers, Software/Computer Software businesses, centers and units, Information Technology Enabled businesses, centers and units and Information Technology businesses, centers and units in India or anywhere in world.
To develop, design, structure, establish, maintain market, buy, import, export, sell, provide, license and implement and to set up the business of handling customer support services by establishing Business Process Outsource units, Knowledge Process Outsource units, Call centers, Data centers, Medical Transcription Centers and the like whether pertaining to own customers or client’s customers from within India or outside, for requests received over telephone, fax, email, web, kiosk, post, video conferencing or any other mode including through which any customer can communicate by accessing information in possession of the company or provided by the client in India or anywhere in world .~To carry on the business of designing, developing, exporting, importing, consultancy and training in all kinds of software, hardware, systems, programs, products, applications and services, for all purposes including but not limited to Business Process Outsource units, Knowledge Process Outsource units , Call centers, Data centers, Medical Transcription Centers and the like and to set up Research and Development Centers and train, educate in one or more of the above areas and to market the latest developments in national and international scenario and implement the same to economize and simplify the operations and to carry on the business of providing communication facilities \r\neither computer aided or telephone or any other mode in India or anywhere in world.
To carry on the business of providing and running services relating to Multimedia networks, Telecommunication networks, cable networks and Internet services.
To carry on the business of providing and supplying of information technology solutions including turnkey solutions, end-to-end solutions, systems integration and development of software, computer hardware, peripherals, networking.
To develop and maintain in or outside India software and/or facilities to service onsite and/or offshore outsourcing of business activities including but not limited to data processing, data analysis, data mining, data control, information related projects and activities.
Stock Broker
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to act as stock broker, finance broker, agent, sub broker, share transfer agent, portfolio manager, odd lot dealer or other intermediaries and to buy, sell, exchange, barter, swap adjust, subscribe, acquire, hold, invest or otherwise deal in all kinds of shares, securities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, warrants, premium notes, bills of exchange, letter of credit, all kinds of units coupons, warrants, \r\noptions, derivatives, other similar instruments, and different kind of commodities.
To act as lead managers, co-managers, advisors and counselors in investments and capital market, to underwrite or sub underwrite issues in capital market, clearing houses for the securities, to undertake the work of factoring of bills, advisory in field of trading of all kinds of securities and commodities.
To apply for and become member in India or elsewhere of any stock exchange, national stock exchange, commodity exchanges and other similar institution, authority and to carry on business as permissible under Securities and Contracts (Regulations)Rules 1957.
Tobacco products
To carry on the business of as manufacturers, traders, importers and exporters at tobacco zarda, gutkha, pan masala and snuff.
To carry on, conduct, manage, develop and prosecute any of these business in such manner and in such or places, either in India elsewhere as the company may think requisite or proper and to buy, sell, grow, cultivate, manipulate, manufacture, import, export and deal in tobacco crops, cigar, snuff, zarda, gutkha, pan, masala or other products or farms of tobacco.
Tower Business
To carry on the business of all kinds of communications, networks products and solutions, dealing in all equipment products and solutions related to telecom, radio, television, wireless networks and services and make available all equipment, products and solutions required for the telecommunications sector in India; provide post sales services.
To carry on the business through ownership, management, operation, leasing and development of wireless and broadcast communication sites or towers, antenna systems/antenna space, wireless and radios broadcast transmission, Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology facilities , and to operate through segments including but not limited to Rental Management and Network Development Services. To engage in the business of providing basic telecommunication services, IP-I services and IP-II services within and outside the territory of India.
To provide Network development services for site acquisition, zoning and permitting service and structural analysis service that support site/tower leasing operation and addition of new tenants and equipments on the site/ tower. and to carry on research and development work in relation to any or all of the above and with particular relation to communication equipment.
To carry on the business of building, establishing, setting-up, acquiring, developing, advising on ,managing, providing , operating and/or maintaining, facilitating conduct of fully or partially infrastructure facilities and services thereof for all kinds of value added services including payment gateway services, long distance telephony services, e-commerce services and data-com services, video tech access points, multimedia access points, internal access points, voicemail services, email services, video conferencing services, fax store and forward services, enhanced faxed services, internet services including basic and advance services and to carry on the business as advisors, suppliers, traders of data processing and information retrieval systems, virtual private network services and broad band network services, application services ATM services, data centre services including hosting services, application services and co-location services, computer hardware and software of all kinds which incorporate use and used in conjunction with or ancillary to systems of such description as aforesaid and any of the apparatus and equipment comprised therein.
Trading of goods
To carry on business as merchants, traders, commission agents, or in any other capacity in India or elsewhere, and to import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal and trade in all types of goods, produce and merchandise.
To carry on business as, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all types and varieties of storage batteries, dry or otherwise, for all kinds of uses, battery plates, cells, battery components, chargers, motors, transformer, stablizers and all other kinds of electronic components, devices.
To carry on all or any of the businesses of designers, trader, maintainers, repairers of and dealers in electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus of every description, and of and in radio, television and telecommunication requisites and supplies, teletext and view data receivers, and electrical and electronic apparatus, appliances, equipment and stores of all kinds.
Wealth Management
To carry on the business of providing all kinds of corporate advisory services in the areas of wealth management, portfolio management, investment advisory, financial planning, asset allocation, risk profiling, investment research cash budgeting, estate / will planning and taxation issues.
To provide execute, undertake and provide services in the areas of investment research, institutional equity and fixed income investment planning, derivatives advisory and wealth management solutions, consultancy for investments in financial products like mutual funds, RBI bonds, small savings investment plans, retirement plans and IPO’S.
To undertake global research and advisory in any area and products, such as capital market research in equity, debt, knowledge of individual scripts and technical aspects of market price movements and to train and provide investment education ? for financial and non-financial assets.
Web Designing
To carry on in India or abroad the business of developing, designing and maintenance of websites, web-based applications and internet/network related system/solutions including setting up of portals, internet based services and consultancy and other value added services.
To carry on in India or abroad the business of activities related to e-commerce, e-shopping, e-business, multimedia services, online information services, online application integration including buying, selling, marketing, trading and otherwise dealing in various kinds of products on internet.
To carry on in India or abroad the business of developing, designing, maintaining, selling software, packages and applications, client server applications, enterprise resource planning, network management, outsourcing related services and other services in the field of information technology.
Wires & Cables
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturing, producing, processing, extruding, rolling, re-rolling, blending, packing, re-packing, grading, importing, exporting, buying, selling, distributing, exchanging, converting, molding, drawing, insulating, coating, altering, or and to act as agent broker, contractor, job worker, supplier, provider, collaborator, consignor, consultant, stockiest, distributors, traders, C & F agent, consignment dealer/agent, del credere agent or other wise to deal in all characteristics, specifications, applications, descriptions and capacities, of ferrous and non ferrous metals, copper and aluminum, wires, and cables, of all kinds and in particular copper and alluminium and strips papers covered, cotton covered, glass covered, enameled wires and cables of all kinds, insulating materials, of all kind, wire enamel, chemicals, lubricants, oils, acids, gases, and electrical goods of all kinds.
To buys, sell, manufacture, repair, service, improve, exchange, imports, exports, deal manipulate, all kind and classes of wires, cables ropes and cords, high tensile steel wires, wire ropes, mild steel wires, spring wires, cables and conductors.
To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, alter, improve, manipulate, prepare, for market import or export or otherwise deal in all kinds of insulated cables, and wires, rubber insulated wires and cables, cab tyre-sheeted, wires, P.V.C. cables and flexible, flexible cords, cotton or silk braided, conduct wires and cables, low and high tension power cables, telegraph and telephone cables, low and high tension paper, rubber, or bitumen insulated lead covered power cables, armoured or non-armoured extra high tension shielded and belted power cables, telephone and telegraph cables, according to B.B.S. long distance cables, signaling cables, lead covered cables. Bare copper and cadmium copper wire round or grooved for aluminum bus bars, binders and rotar bars suitable for dynamo, transformer and switchgear of copper, bronze, phosphor bronze, aluminum varnish cambric insulated cables, furnace, alloy and tinned copper and all kinds of cables, wires conductors and accessories.
To carry on the business of Software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing solutions/ Packages/ services through applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise, to undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data processing, Back office processing, data warehousing and database management
To carry on the business of dealing and maintenance of computer hardware, computer systems and assemble data processors, program designs and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in such hardware and software packages and all types of tabulating machine, accounting machines, calculators, computerized telecommunication systems and network, their components, spare parts, equipments and devices and to carry on the business of establishing, running and managing institutions, school, and academics for imparting education in computer technology, offering equipment, solutions and services for networking and network management, data centre management and in providing consultancy services in all above mentioned areas.
To develop, provide, undertake, design, import, export, distribute and deal in Systems and application software for microprocessor based information systems, off shore software development projects, internet service provider, and solutions in all areas of application including those in Emerging niche segments like Internet and Intranet website applications solutions software enterprise, resource planning, e-commerce, value added products and other business applications either for its own use for sale in India or for export outside India and to design and develop such systems and application software for and on behalf of manufacturers owners and users of computer, telecom, digital, electronic equipments in India or elsewhere in the world.
To carry on the business of providing outsourcing services for all processes, sub Processes, transactions, activities and all other work performed by business in various industries within India and across the world. This includes those process or sub processes that are enabled by information technology. It also includes date, voice or video collection and processing, call centre services including in bound and out bound calling services of all kinds, technical support, managed data centre, managed technical centre, training centre, web support back office, business or financial analysis, scientific analysis, research work and analysis, storage, disaster recovery, accounting, pay roll, inventory management, customer relationship management, enterprises resources planning and to develop software, provide consultancy, software solution and services that are normally offered by the outsourcing business and information technology services providers, the software development houses and application services providers.
To offer training, consultancy, advisory and all related services in all areas of information technology including computer hardware and software, data communication, telecommunications, manufacturing and process control and automation, artificial intelligence, natural language processing and to undertake research and development, promote excellence and leadership and computer science, modern mathematics, vedic methodology, vedantic philosophy and universal and eternal value premises and to provide for such research and development including conducting and participating in seminars, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and the like and to obtain technical know-how, literature, brochures, technical data etc. from abroad and export/disseminate them to other countries and engage in manpower recruitment for overseas requirements and also bring in necessary skilled personnel into the country and to develop, market, implement systems and application software packages and related products for Indian and export markets to conduct software and hardware courses, to offer consultancy including hardware selection, system design, manpower selection, software development, implementation and training and to spread computer literacy and computer aided education in rural and urban areas through application of modern techniques, media communications and to operate data and information processing enters and to render all such services as are required by the customers in relation to processing of information and also in the interpretation, application and use of processed data.
Hospitality Industry / Event Management
To carry on the business of developing, promoting, marketing, organizing and managing artists and celebrity management national as well as international events, product brands, corporate and business themes, evenings, launches, ideas, managing public and media relations, press & publicity, concept designing and management for promotion of products, building of brands through promotions and events for corporate, other business and professional entities, institutions, other groups, individuals of its own or in tie up or partnership with other agencies, service providers including international agencies involved in providing similar type of services and to promote, produce, organize and manage international and local music events, to provide complete technical and infrastructure support, including staging, lighting and sound for concerts, venue, on stage & back stage management, to do creative integration of sponsor banding & innovative sponsor entitlements of events, have coverage of live music events, television specials & music videos, merchandising, procurement of governmental permission & licenses for events, travel management, freight logistics & hospitality.
To undertake, handle and carry on business in India and abroad connected with events for different corporate, companies or individuals which includes any happening such as organizing and management of luxury events, government & private events, road shows including financial market, expositions, seminars, fashion shows, concerts, lavish parties, conferences, social events e.g. summer camp for children, game shows, fun events & theme e.g. Disney theme, corporate golf tours, corporate family carnival, brand launches, brand promotion and management, cultural events & celebrity management, award nights, entertainment shows, music shows, exhibitions, star nights, event management shows, fashion shows, organizing fairs, expositions, meets, product launches, concerts, gala dinners, weddings, pandals, religious events, government, college and school festivals, theme parties, Online promotion of events, concerts, live shows, parties and sale of tickets or simply bookings & reservations and to acquire, purchase, sale, import or export, let on hire, install for that purposes various things, equipments and systems viz. audio visual systems, exhibitions, display panels and boards, conference kit and guides, and to provide support services including venue decor and infrastructural support as providing venue booking, no objection certificates and government permissions, sound and light arrangements, fabrication of stalls, stage platforms, decorative items, transportation and labour or any other device or systems to execute the said business.
To carry on the business of service provider, distributor, concept, facilitator, consultant, manager, franchises, Co-ordinations with municipalities, Administration, traffic, Police, Licensing Authorities, market authorities etc., custodian, trustees, business advisor, strategy formulator, Brand Ambassador, on behalf of companies/firms/ individuals to promote, establish, brand building, market leader of products or services and all related activities.
To carry on business of promotional events, Award ceremonies, Product launching platform, sampling of products, pageant ceremonies, organizing ground level kiosks.
To undertake, handle and carry on business in India and abroad connected with events for different corporate, companies or individuals which includes any happening such as organizing and management of luxury events, government & private events, road shows including financial market, expositions, seminars, fashion shows, concerts, lavish parties, conferences, social events e.g. summer camp for children, game shows, fun events & theme e.g. disney theme, corporate golf tours, corporate family carnival, brand launches, brand promotion and management, cultural events & celebrity management, award nights, entertainment shows, music shows, exhibitions, starnights, event management shows, fashion shows, organising fairs, expositions, meets, product launches, concerts, gala dinners, weddings, pandals, religious events, government, college and school festivals, theme parties, Online promotion of events, concerts, live shows, parties and sale of tickets or simply bookings & reservations and to acquire, purchase, sale, import or export, let on hire, install for that purposes various things, equipments and systems viz. audio visual systems, exhibitions, display panels and boards, conference kit and guides, and to provide support services including venue decor and intrastructural support as providing venue booking, no objection certificates and government permissions, sound and light arrangements, fabrication of stalls, stage platforms, decorative items, transportation and labour or any other device or systems to execute the said business.
To carry on the business of contractors, sub-contractors, quasi contractors whether for government or for semi government bodies or corporation or company or society or body corporate or firms or individuals or schools or clubs or other bodies or private works and to undertake contracts and sub contracts relating to the above objects.
To purchase the lands and premises or take on lease or otherwise acquire lands, buildings or elsewhere for the business of hotels, restaurants, snack bars, café, ice cream parlour, dairy products, confectionaries and allied food products and to sell and let the lands of the company or to use the same or any part thereof, or to acquire and use other lands for the construction of hotels, restaurants and entertainment centres, amusements parks with or without shopping plaza etc and to purchase any movable or immovable property including industrial, commercial, residential, or farm lands, plots, buildings, houses, apartments, flats or areas within or outside the limits of Municipal Corporation or other local bodies, anywhere within the Domain of India, to divide the same into suitable plots, and to rent or sell the plots for building/constructing residential houses, bungalows, business premises, and colonies and rent or sell the same and realize cost in lump sum or easy installments or by hire purchase system and otherwise and to construct, execute, carryout, equip, support maintain, operate, improve, work,develop, administer, manage, control and superintend within or outside the country any where in the world all kinds of works, public or otherwise, buildings, houses and other constructions or conveniences of all kinds, which expression in this memorandum includes roads, railways, and tramways, docks, harbours, Piers, wharves, canals, serial runways and hangers, airports, reservoirs, embankments, irritations, reclamation, improvements, sewage, sanitary, water, gas, electronic light, power supply works, and hotels, cold storages, warehouses, cinema houses, markets, public and other buildings and all other works and conveniences of public or private utility, to apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any contracts, decrease, concessions, for or in relation to the construction, execution, carrying out equipment, improvement, administration, or control of all such works and conveniences as aforesaid and to undertake, execute, carry out, dispose of or otherwise turn to account the same
Travel And Expenses Automation:
To carry on the Research and development, designing, manufacturing and trading in all types of computer software, especially in providing holistic and end-to-end travel and expense automation along with one stop solution for travel expenses for all Corporate Businesses developed with best Artificial Intelligence induced technology and in all other areas including Management Information Services, database services, industrial applications, Office Systems, Desktop Publishing, Communications including telecommunications and satellite communication, CAD/ CAM, Animation Operating systems, Utilities and all other developments in the field of computers.
To render consultancy services and services in the field of software development, software export, information and data processing, computer systems, communications, Operation research and technical services including commercial exploitation, export, import and to act as dealers, authorized representatives of the same. To depute personnel to design and develop softwares in India and abroad, and to start Technology parks in India and abroad and to undertake research and development, promote excellence and leadership in computer science, modern mathematics, and to provide for such research and development including conducting and participating in seminars, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and the like and to obtain technical know-how, literature, brochures, technical data etc.
Manufacturing Of Nano Materials:
To manufacture, formulate, process, develop, refine, import, export, wholesale and/or retail trade all kinds of Atomic & Molecular Clusters, Buckyballs & Fullerenes, Bulk Nanostructured Metals, Magnetic Nanoparticles / Magnetic Nanostructures, Nanobelts, Nanolubricant Powders, Nanocrystals & Nanopowders, NanoFillers/NanoAdditives, Nanoparticles/ Nanopowders, Nanoparticle Dispersions, Nano Rods, Nano Sponge Abrasives, Nano Tubes, Nanowires, Quantum Dots / Nano Dots, Reactive Electro Exploded Nano Powders, Single wall Nano Tubes (SWNT), Double wall Nano Tubes (DWNT), Multiwall Nano Tubes (MWNT) (alligned/tangled/dispersable), OH, COOH Functionalized SWNT/MWNT, Industrial Grade SWCNTs, MWCNTs, Conducting (Metallic) and Semiconducting SWCNTs, MWCNT Nonwoven Papers, CNT Foam, Special application CNTs, other nano tubes, Cadmium Mercury Telluride (CDHGTE), Cadmium Selenide (CDSE), Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide (CDSE/ZNS), Cadmium Sulfide (CDS), Cadmium Telluride (CDTE), Cadmium Telluride/Cadmium Sulfide (CDTE/CDS), Lead Selenide (PBSE), Lead Sulfide (PBS), Tungsten Disulfide (WS2), Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2), Hex-Boron Nitride (HBN), Graphite, Specially formulated Nano Lubricant Additive Powders to improve lubricity and save energy and allied products and to become the world leader in the manufacturing of advanced carbon nanomaterials through sustainable materials and processes, by comprehending the growing demand for high-performance materials, spanning various industries
To carry on the business of research and development, design, provision of technical assistance and licenses, consulting and otherwise of manufacturing systems including production control and quality control and improvement of production lines relating to above objects
Manufacturing Of 3d Printer Machineries And Recycling Of Metal Wastes:
To set up manufacturing unit or plant to produce, process, design, develop, invent, assemble, fabricate, manufacture, distribute, market, sell, service, deal in recycling various metals such as aluminium, brass, ferrous metals, stainless steel, iron and other kinds of metals extracted or imported complete and parts, accessories, articles and fittings thereof, fabrication of these out of any metal into customized object or any kinds of equipment’s using 3D printing and rapid prototyping technology.
To carry on business in India or outside India as manufacturers and dealers in capital equipment’s related to 3D related machinery and plant of every description, repair, alter, convert, recondition, prepare for sale, buy, sell, hire, import, export, let on hire, trade and deal in machine tools and implements, plant equipment’s, 3D filaments and 3D printers, articles, apparatus, appliances, components, parts, accessories, fittings and things in any stage or degree of manufacture, process or refinement.
To act as stockiest, concessionaires, consultants, booking agents or deal in all types reusable materials through recycling operations, and engage in waste management by using 3d printers technology to convert metals waste and other kinds of waste into unique products or articles and also engage in trading of manufactured goods and electronic goods in India or outside India.
Developing Platforms To Connect The Farmers
To do the business of developing, creating and/or building a platform which connects the farmers with retails vendors of products, fertilizers, seeds, which are necessary and required by the farmers and with agriculture equipment manufacturers to procure the products related to agriculture.
To do the business of developing, creating and/or building a prediction platform or such other platform for agriculture produce based on farmers purchasing pattern / based on the season and to help farmers to make a better decision before they kickoff or carry out agricultural activities for any crop.
Textile Printing And E-Commerce:
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as printers on the readymade textile, customized textile, printing on any other materials, publishers, typesesster, DPT operators, proofreaders, binders, cutter, perforators, laminators, designers, authors, writer and editors of publication all varieties, descriptions, specifications, applications & uses including books, novels, magazines, journals, souvenirs, newsletters, periodicals, bulletins, pamphlets, forms catalogues, diaries, calendars, posters, pictures, stickers, text books, law books, school books, college books, newspapers & other allied publications on any subject whatsoever in print as well as in electronic media and to develop software, CDs, cassettes, floppies or any other electors mode, devices, systems and to act as jobwork, contractor, sub-contractor, consultant, date entry operator, page maker, website designer, copyright owner and to deal in all goods, articles and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.
To carry on the business of on line shopping, Internet advertising and marketing, creating virtual malls, stores, shops, creating shopping catalogues, providing secured payment processing, net commerce solutions for business to business and business to consumers, online trading in and outside India but does not include banking and money circulating business.
To carry on the business of buying, selling, reselling, importing, exporting, transporting, storing, developing, promoting, marketing or supplying, trading, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods, which are required and support the above objects, on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
To carry on all or any activities relating to the provisions of Electronic Commerce services to Business Organizations either directly or through collaboration, joint venture, or under licenses and/ or trade agreements. E-mail services, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Enhanced telefax Services, Electronic Information Services i.e., database Services to support commercial exchanges, other intercompany network applications and for the above purposes, to establish, in India, Messaging backbone network interconnecting different parts of the country in a phase manner and to import such hardware, software and/ or technology from time to time as may be required.
Broadcasting And Telecasting:
To Carry on the business of broadcasting, telecasting, relaying, transmitting, distributing, running, acquiring and distribution of radio programs, radio events, television programs, audio, voice, or other programmes or software for entertainment through the Company’s own or hired channels through internet, telecom or by satellite link up and terrestrial networks and by any other means of broadcasting subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the government.
To carry on the business of developing, promoting, marketing, organizing and managing artists and celebrity management national as well as international events, product brands, corporate and business themes, evenings, launches, ideas, managing public and media relations, press & publicity, concept designing and management for promotion of products, building of brands through promotions and events for corporate, other business and professional entities, institutions, other groups, individuals of its own or in tie up or partnership with other agencies, service providers including international agencies involved in providing similar type of services and to promote, produce, organize and manage international and local music events, to provide complete technical and infrastructure support, including staging, lighting and sound for concerts, venue, on stage & back stage management, to do creative integration of sponsor banding & innovative sponsor entitlements of events, have coverage of live music events, television specials & music videos, merchandising, procurement of governmental permission & licenses for events, travel management, freight logistics & hospitality.
To install, operate, design, fabricate, purchase, sell, import, export, trade, engineer, assemble, service, repair, exploit or deal in audio, video and/or computer generated data signal broadcasting, data transfer, transmission, and or reception system/ networks or part thereof which may include ISP, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), satellite television channels, radio channels, entertainment channels in all languages, informative channels, educative channels, microwave multichannel distribution system, fibre optic system, laser beam system, telephonic, personal cellular system, Data Transfer , transmission/reception, Dissembles, by utilising, using, subscribing, hiring, chartering, renting, leasing or in any other manner exploiting satellite transponders, satellite transmission/reception, processing of audio, video and data communication for information/educational/entertainment and other purposes.
To conduct the business in and outside India ,of event management service on variety of areas including corporate events (product launches, press conferences, corporate meetings and conferences), marketing programs (road shows, grand opening events), and special corporate hospitality events like concerts, award ceremonies, film premieres, launch/release parties, fashion shows, commercial events, private and personal events such as weddings, birth day celebrations and such other events of like nature and to undertake, handle and carry on business in India and abroad connected with events for different corporate, companies or individuals which includes any happening such as organizing and management of luxury events, government & private events, road shows including financial market, expositions, seminars, fashion shows, concerts, lavish parties, conferences, social events e.g. summer camp for children, game shows, fun events & theme e.g. Disney theme, corporate golf tours, corporate family carnival, brand launches, brand promotion and management, cultural events & celebrity management, award nights, entertainment shows, music shows, exhibitions, star nights, event management shows, fashion shows, organizing fairs, expositions, meets, product launches, concerts, gala dinners, weddings, pandals, religious events, government, college and school festivals, theme parties, Online promotion of events, concerts, live shows, parties and sale of tickets or simply bookings & reservations and to acquire, purchase, sale, import or export, let on hire, install for that purposes various things, equipments and systems viz. audio visual systems, exhibitions, display panels and boards, conference kit and guides, and to provide support services including venue decor and infrastructural support as providing venue booking, no objection certificates and government permissions, sound and light arrangements, fabrication of stalls, stage platforms, decorative items, transportation and labour or any other device or systems to execute the said business.
To carry on the business of Cable services encompassing distribution, relaying, transmission of signals including but not limited to TV, voice over Internet Protocol, Video On Demand or any other services through cable within and outside India by means of any system.
Artificial Intelligence
To carry on the business of Software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Natural Language Process and Deep Learning models, targeted at revolutionizing and transforming healthcare sector and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing solutions/ Packages/ services through applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise, to undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data processing, Back office processing, data warehousing and database management
To carry on the business of dealing and maintenance of computer hardware, computer systems and assemble data processors, program designs and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in such hardware and software packages and all types of tabulating machine, accounting machines, calculators, computerized telecommunication systems and network, their components, spare parts, equipments and devices and to carry on the business of establishing, running and managing institutions, school, and academics for imparting education in computer technology, offering equipment, solutions and services for networking and network management, data centre management and in providing consultancy services in all above mentioned areas.
To develop, provide, undertake, design, import, export, distribute and deal in Systems and application software for microprocessor based information systems, off shore software development projects, internet service provider, and solutions in all areas of application including those in Emerging niche segments like Internet and Intranet website applications solutions software enterprise, resource planning, e-commerce, value added products and other business applications either for its own use for sale in India or for export outside India and to design and develop such systems and application software for and on behalf of manufacturers owners and users of computer, telecom, digital, electronic equipments in India or elsewhere in the world.
To carry on in India the business of marketing, promoting, advertising franchising or dealing in any of the above activities both in internal and external markets, on digital media or any other online or digital means, on its own or through any sort or nature and to appoint sub-franchisers etc., for any of the above purposes, in India or elsewhere and marketing through online marketing, digital marketing in various sites.
Smart Retail Technology And Analytics
To carry on the business of software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions including but not limited to smart retail technology, ERP solutions, customized billing software or developing and providing all and every kind software and technology services for retail and wholesale traders and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing solutions/ packages/ services through applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise in India or abroad.
To carry on the business of dealing and maintenance of computer hardware, computer systems and assemble data processors, IOT based electronic items, program designs and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in such hardware and software packages and all types of tabulating machine, accounting machines, calculators, computerized telecommunication systems and network, their components, spare parts, equipments and devices and to carry on the business of establishing, running and managing institutions, school, and academics for imparting education in computer technology, offering equipment, solutions and services for networking and network management, data center management and in providing consultancy services in all above mentioned areas.
To carry on in India the business of marketing, promoting, advertising franchising or dealing in any of the above activities both in internal and external markets, on digital media or any other online or digital means, on its own or through any sort or nature and to appoint sub-franchisers etc., for any of the above purposes, in India or elsewhere and marketing through online marketing, digital marketing in various sites.
To undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data collection and processing, Back office processing, data warehousing and database management, data discovery, interpretation, analysis and communication, to undertake business of data analytics such as predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, enterprise decision management, descriptive analytics, cognitive analytics, Big Data Analytics, retail analytics, supply chain analytics, store assortment and stock-keeping unitoptimization, marketing optimization and marketing mix modeling, web analytics, call analytics, speech analytics, sales force sizing and optimization, price and promotion modeling, predictive science, credit risk analysis and fraud analytics.
Education And Placement:
To carry on the business to own, establish, acquire, run, operate, manage, maintain, develop, promote, administer, advertise, either on its own or through franchisee fully equipped schools, colleges, educational institutes, universities including deemed or autonomous universities, to promote and disseminate knowledge, create awareness and provide a common forum of interaction amongst academicians, professionals and government agencies, establish effective co-ordination, to organise training courses and special programmes to impart training, education in all disciplines, online, distinct, correspondence courses, coaching classes for any stream, any level, any profession, courses for information technology, computer technology, software, hardware, networking, any certified or recongnised courses of Government, all types of school, university or any recognized institute courses whether aided or unaided, to provided preparatory coaching for becoming proficient in professional learning including online and offline Competitive Entrance Examinations like and training programmes for personality development, soft skills, communication skills, creative teaching, behavior skills, trade-commerce-business management, scientific and research and to conduct all types of seminar, training programmes, skilled development programmes and to develop computer software, hardware, web enabled application, information technology related products and also to provide consultancy relating thereto, and to assist the promotion and advancement of trade, commerce, art, science, technology or whatsoever.
To provide the services and assistance to students to get the admission in management and non-management quota in partner schools, colleges, universities, various education institutes and coaching institutes in all the courses all over India and abroad. To provide assistance, services, documentation services, advisory services, solutions related to education loan through various financial institutions to the students who are looking for education loan to pursue their higher education in India or abroad.
To carry on the business of providing Manpower placement and recruiting, Selecting, Interviewing, Training and Employing all types of executives, Middle Management Staff, Junior Level Staff, Workers, Labourers Skilled/Unskilled required by various Industries and organizations including providing security services, Labour contractors, Industrial, Commercial, Housing and other security services and workers for office management and to conduct employment bureau and to provide consultancy and other services in connection with requirements of persons and manpower supply in India and abroad.
IT Consultancy:
To offer training, consultancy, advisory and all related services in all areas of machine learning, management training, artificial intelligence solutions, natural language process, deep learning models and in information technology including computer hardware and software, data communication, telecommunications, manufacturing and process control and automation, artificial intelligence, natural language processing and to undertake research and development, promote excellence and leadership and computer science, modern mathematics, vedic methodology, vedantic philosophy and universal and eternal value premises and to provide for such research and development including conducting and participating in seminars, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and the like and to obtain technical know-how, literature, brochures, technical data etc. from abroad and export/disseminate them to other countries and engage in manpower recruitment for overseas requirements and also bring in necessary skilled personnel into the country and to develop, market, implement systems and application software packages and related products for Indian and export markets to conduct software and hardware courses, to offer consultancy including hardware selection, system design, manpower selection, software development, implementation and training and to spread computer literacy and computer aided education in rural and urban areas through application of modern techniques, media communications and to operate data and information processing enters and to render all such services as are required by the customers in relation to processing of information and also in the interpretation, application and use of processed data.
To carry on the business of Software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing solutions/ Packages/ services through applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise, to undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data processing, Back office processing, data warehousing and database management.
To carry on the business of dealing and maintenance of computer hardware, computer systems and assemble data processors, program designs and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in such hardware and software packages and all types of tabulating machine, accounting machines, calculators, computerized telecommunication systems and network, their components, spare parts, equipments and devices and to carry on the business of establishing, running and managing institutions, school, and academics for imparting education in computer technology, offering equipment, solutions and services for networking and network management, data centre management and in providing consultancy services in all above mentioned areas.
To develop, provide, undertake, design, import, export, distribute and deal in Systems and application software for microprocessor based information systems, off shore software development projects, internet service provider, and solutions in all areas of application including those in Emerging niche segments like Internet and Intranet website applications solutions software enterprise, resource planning, e-commerce, value added products and other business applications either for its own use for sale in India or for export outside India and to design and develop such systems and application software for and on behalf of manufacturers owners and users of computer, telecom, digital, electronic equipments in India or elsewhere in the world.
To carry on the business of providing outsourcing services for all processes, sub Processes, transactions, activities and all other work performed by business in various industries within India and across the world. This includes those process or sub processes that are enabled by information technology. It also includes date, voice or video collection and processing, call centre services including in bound and out bound calling services of all kinds, technical support, managed data centre, managed technical centre, training centre, web support back office, business or financial analysis, scientific analysis, research work and analysis, storage, disaster recovery, accounting, pay roll, inventory management, customer relationship management, enterprises resources planning and to develop software, provide consultancy, software solution and services that are normally offered by the outsourcing business and information technology services providers, the software development houses and application services providers.
Fire Fight And Safety
To carry on the Business of undertaking fire protection, fire-fighting, safety, security, turnkey jobs and to installing hydrant lines, control panels, smoke detectors, automatic sprinklers, Closed Circuit TVs, fire alarm system for use in industries, ships, oil jetties, oil platforms, buildings, and any other places according to specific requirements of the customers.
To carry on the business of manufactures, sellers, importers, exporters, service providers and dealers in the entire range of fire equipments, fire extinguishers, fire hose pipes, hose fittings, fire hydrant valves, couplings, nozzles, suction couplings, adopters, buckets, electrical sirens helmets, breathing equipment, life saving devices and other protective equipment together with parts and accessories thereof and to aid, advise and provide fire protection system for building, offices, industries and other premises.
To provide the security guards (Armed/Unarmed) for security purposes to the individual persons, corporate bodies to carry on the business as traders, exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, principals, agents stockiest and in all and every kind and natural of security systems and devices viz fire alarms burglar alarms or other electronic gadgets, bullet proof jackets, close circuit TVS, cameras and metal detectors.
Stock Broking And Investment:
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to act as stock broker, finance broker, agent, sub broker, share transfer agent, portfolio manager, odd lot dealer or other intermediaries and to buy, sell, exchange, barter, swap adjust, subscribe, acquire, hold, invest or otherwise deal in all kinds of shares, securities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, warrants, premium notes, bills of exchange, letter of credit, all kinds of units coupons, warrants, options, derivatives, other similar instruments, and different kind of commodities and to carry on the business of an investment trust company and to underwrite, sub –underwrite, to invest in, and acquire and hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in shares, debentures, debenture-stocks, bonds, units; obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by Indian or Foreign Governments, State, Dominions, Sovereigns, Municipalities, or Public Authorities or Bodies and share, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued and guaranteed by any company, corporation, firm or person whether incorporated or established in India or elsewhere.
To act as financial consultants, management consultants, and provide advice, services, consultancy in various fields, general administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing and to take part in the formation, supervision or control of the business operations and any company or undertaking and for that purpose to act as an Issue House, Registrars and Share Transfer Agents, Secretaries, Financial Advisors or Technical Consultants or in any other capacity and to appoint and remunerate any directors, administrators or accountants or other experts or agents and to manage investment pools, mutual funds, syndicates in shares, stocks, securities, finance and real estate and to act as financial and Investment Consultants, finance brokers, stock brokers, underwriters, registrars, issue house, portfolio management and to invest or subscribe for purchase or otherwise, acquire and sell, dispose of exchange, hold and otherwise deal in shares or other securities issued by any authority Central, State, Municipal, Local or otherwise and to carry on the business generally carried on by investment companies.
To act as consultants or advisors of any firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and generally subject as aforesaid, to act as consultants or advisors and to undertake part in the management supervision or control of the business or operation of any person, firm, body corporate, association or other undertaking and, if necessary, for such purpose or purpose to appoint and remunerate any offices of the company, accountants or other experts or agents.
To carry on the business as financial advisors and to advise and assist in all financial, costing, accounting internal control and other similar matters to advise and assist in the preparation of all revenue and capital budgets, developments of funds, long term planning or utilisation of resources, procuring bank and institutional finance including cash, credit facilities, overdraft facilities, subscription of debentures and term loans, to assess the needs of short and long term credit facilities and raising of resources, to advise and assist in the formulation of procedures for prevention of fraud, wastage, financial and cost accounting procedure and other connected matters to advise and assist in formulating long term financial policies and control of their execution, and generally to advise and assist in all financial, fiscal and revenue matters and to carry on the business of establishing, running and managing institutions, school, and academics for imparting education and providing consultancy services in all above mentioned areas.
Agro Chemicals
To do manufacturing, producing, refining, processing, formulating, mix or otherwise acquire, own, hold, use, lease, mortgage, pledge, buy and sell, exchange, distribute, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of, trade deal in and with, import or export any and all classes and kinds of agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, manures, their mixtures, bye-products and formulations, petrochemicals, industrial, industrial, and any chemicals, source materials, ingredients, mixtures, derivatives and compounds thereof and industrial and other preparations or products arising from or required in the manufacture, refining of any kind of fertilizers, manures, their mixtures and formulations and fats, dips, sprays, vermifuges, insecticides, germicides, fungicides, disinfecting preparations, fumigators, medicines and remedies for agricultural tree and fruit growing, gardening and other purposes or as remedies for human and animals and whether produced from vegetable, mineral, gaseous, animal and heavy chemicals, petrochemicals, fine chemicals and any and all classes and kinds of inorganic and organic chemicals, source materials, intermediates, ingredients, mixtures, derivatives and compounds thereof and any and all kinds of products of which any of the foregoing constitutes an ingredient or in the preparation, formulation, mixtures or production of which any of the foregoing is used or required
To carry on the business of manufacturers fabricators, producers, growers, makers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, suppliers, stockiest, agents distributors and concessionaire of and dealers in agro, fertilizers, manures, animal feeds, urea and other types of organic or inorganic or mixed fertilizers of synthetic or natural origin containing nitrogen, phosphate or other compounds soda ash, insecticides, fungicides and remedies of all kinds whatsoever for agricultural, fruit growing or other purposes whether produced from vegetable or animal matter or by any chemical process or otherwise.
To provide Integrated Discovery, Development and Regulatory Services and various services connected therewith, including but not limited to Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, Agrochemical, Industrial chemical, Herbal and Neutraceutical and any other industry which requires the services.
Business Process Outsourcing
To carry on the business of providing outsourcing services for all processes, sub Processes, transactions, activities and all other work performed by business in various industries within India and across the world. This includes those process or sub processes that are enabled by information technology. It also includes data voice or video collection and processing, call centre services including in bound and out bound calling services of all kinds, technical support, managed data centre, managed technical centre, training centre, web support back office, business or financial analysis, scientific analysis, research work and analysis, storage, disaster recovery, accounting, pay roll, inventory management, customer relationship management, enterprises resources planning and to develop software, provide consultancy, software solution and services that are normally offered by the outsourcing business and information technology services providers, the software development houses and application services providers.
To carry on the business of Domestic and International Tele Marketing. This includes business-to-business, business-to-customer, lead generation, outbound, inbound and selling products and services over telephone or other electronic communication means.
Nidhi Company
To enable, encourage members to save money, by cultivating the habit of thrift and provide facilities for this purpose.
To receive money by way of Fixed, Recurring and saving Deposits from members of the Company only as are allowed by Law and the company will carry out the businesses as per the rules prescribed for Nidhi /Mutual Benefit Company. However, the Company shall not operate any current account and shall not do banking business, as defined in Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and shall not do any Chit Fund Business. The Company shall also not carry on business of dealing in shares and debentures, insurance business and hire purchase business.
To receive, accept or collect Savings or Deposit money from its members of all categories as deposit i.e. Saving Deposit account , Fixed Deposit (F.D), Recurring Deposit (R.D), Monthly Income Scheme ( MIS),Term Deposit (T.D), Saving account, under various savings schemes will be formulation from time to time by the company will provide as such Interest or benefit on the Deposit whatever is fit for and beneficial to the company and to the members as per the rules & regulation or guideline of Reserve Bank of India(RBI), Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Regulatory Authority on NIDHI.
To lend, grant individual personal loans, Joint Liability Group Loans, Self Help Group Loans, only to the members or shareholders as against securities of immovable properties and or on the security of deposits, movables such as gold, silver, jewellery, Kisan Vikas Patra, National saving Certificates, Life Insurance Policy and to provide all kinds of micro finance services on behalf of personal credit and member as a guarantor and any other scheme or loan to its members as may from time to time prescribed in law for Mutual Benefit / Nidhi Companies.
To restrict the business specifically to its members only and to have transaction only with the members.
Property Management
To maintain or provide services in respect of all buildings, apartments, commercial complexes of all nature.
To carry on the business of providing all types of facilities, management and maintenance of all kinds and structures such as commercial & residential buildings and complexes, theaters, cinema halls, auditoriums, sports complexes, stadiums and factories and undertake activities regarding the same.
To enter either alone or jointly with another company or persons in India and elsewhere into contracts (on turkey basis or otherwise)for the takeover, operate and maintain and provide services relating to all types of buildings, flats, apartments commercial office complexes, apartments, at including land spaces, buildings, exterior of apartments, walls compound, electrical installations, water sources, water supply connections pumps and motors, dish antenna, ditches, drains, drainage, lights, internal phone wirings, garden plant boxes, potted plants, parking areas, common area of all floors including payment of common water and electrical charges, security cover, maintenance and running of the lifts and generators and over-head expenses, inclusive of salary, establishment charges, privileges, rights, easements, advantages, appurtenances, facilities and conveniences whatsoever in any way.
To maintain or arrange for the maintenance or provision of services and improvement of all the common properties, areas, amenities and facilities of all commercial spaces apartments owned any Information Technology Park.
To set up hospitals, nursing homes and healthcare centres and provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities for the discovery, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and treatment of diseases.
To buy, sell, supply, store, stock, maintain, or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of generic and patent/ non-patent medicines, drugs, mixtures, formulations, tablets, pills, powers, pharmaceuticals and medical products, needles, syringes, injectibles, vaccines, sera, immunogens, chemicals and surgical dressings, kits and instruments and to takeover/ establish/ operate and maintain diagnosis centers.
To set up, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, establish, maintain, operate, run, manage or administer hospitals, nursing homes, medicare, health care, diagnostic, health aids, and research centers and provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities for the discovery, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and prevention and treatment of diseases and to undertake designing and construction of Hospitals and/or other buildings for Government, or for any other person including local authorities, corporations, societies, trusts, companies, firms and other persons.
To carry out medical and clinical research by engaging in the research and development of all medical sciences, and therapies and to undertake, promote or engage in all kinds of research including clinical research and development work required to promote, assist or engage in setting up hospitals, health care centres and facilities for manufacturing medical equipments etc.
To establish, run, promote and make investment in, educational institutions, schools, colleges, technical educational institutes for imparting medical and healthcare education and management training including in the fields of medicine, nursing, physical medicine and rehabilitative medicine, pharmacy and allied medical administration and management of such medical institutions including Health and Hospital Management Training and Development, Pharmaceutical Management, Hospitality, Programmes for skills and competency development, Training and certification of professionals
To manufacture, formulate, process, develop, refine, import, export, wholesale and/or retail trade all kinds of pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, drugs, medicines, biologicals, neutraceuticals, healthcare, ayurvedic and dietary supplement products, medicinal preparations, vaccines, chemicals, chemical products, dry salters, mineral waters, cordials, and also to deal in medicinal goods such as surgical instruments, contraceptives, photographic goods, oils, perfumes, cosmetics, patent medicines, soaps, artificial limbs, hospital requisites, proprietary medicines, veterinary medicines and tinctures extracts and to carry on the business of vialling, bottling, repacking, processing of tablets, capsules, syrups, injections, ointments, etc. and also to carry on the business of chemists, druggists, buyers, sellers, agents, distributors and stockists of all kinds of pharmaceuticals and allied products.
To carry on in India or abroad business of importers, merchants, general order suppliers, commission agents, representatives, distributors, royalty owner, contractors, auctioneers, indent agents, passage agents, factors, organisers, concessionaries, sale agents, sub agents, and insurance agents, in connection with the business as referred to in sub-clause (1) above.
To acquire, establish, run and maintain hospital(s) for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness, or mental defect or for the reception and treatment of persons during convalescence, or of persons requiring medical attention, or rehabilitation, to provide medical relief to the public in all branches of medical sciences by all available means, to run, own, manage, administer, Diagnostic Centres, Scan Centres, Nursing Homes, Clinics, Dispensaries, Maternity Homes, Child Welfare and Family Planning Centres, Clinical, Pathological testing laboratories, X-Ray and ECG Clinics in India and abroad, to act as Consultant and Advisors providing technical know-how, technical services and allied services for the establishment, operation and improvement of Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Institutions, Medical Centres, Diagnostics Centres and Laboratories In India and abroad, to carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical sciences, and in therapies of medical treatment, so as to afford medical relief in a better way, to provide research facilities for carrying on research, basic and applied, in all systems and discipline or medical and surgical knowledge, to develop pharmacological standardization of indigenous medical plant, to encourage and discover new medical and/or surgical management of disease and affections and to investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and findings and research in the said field and to acquire any processes upon such terms as may seem expedient and to improve the same and undertake the manufacture of any product developed, discovered or improved and/or to give licences for the manufacture for the same to other and either to market the same or to grant licenses to other to market the same on such terms as may be deemed fit, to provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities for the discovery, improvement or development of new method of diagnosis, understanding and treatment of diseases.
To establish and run health portal, web sites, medical transcription centres, data processing/computer centres, retail chains, e-commerce, and to offer wholesale, retail, e-commerce facilities, health constancy and data processing and other services that are normally offered by health portal, web sites, medical transcription centres, data processing/computer centres, retail chains, etc.
To buy, sell, manufacture, import, export, distribute and otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of cosmetics, non prescribed drugs, health care products, food preservatives and additives, fast foods, artificial flavouring, artificial dyes and colouring agents, oleoresins, beauty and skin care products, perfumes, colognes, food supplements, health aids, glamour products, Birth control medicines and devices and lubricants and to encourage the discovery of new medical and / or surgical management of diseases and afflictions and to investigate and make known the nature and merits of investigations and findings and research in the said field and to acquire any patent and licenses or other protective devices relating to the results of any discovery, investigations, findings or researches and to acquire any processes upon such terms as may seem expedient and to improve the same and to undertake the manufacture of any product developed, discovered or improved and / or to give licenses for the manufacture of the same to others and either to market the same or to grant licenses to others to market the same on such terms as the society may deem it fit to do.
Ayurveda Products From Cow
To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, growers, fermentators, distillers, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, bottlers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in Ayurvedic Medicines and other products which can be manufactured using the raw materials from Cow (Cow Urine, Cow Dung, Milk, Curd, Batter or Ghee).
To carryon in India or elsewhere the business to the manufacture, produce, process, prepare, disinfect, compound, mix, clean, concentrate, segregate, pack, repack, grade, preserve, extract, buy, sell, resell, import, export, distribute market, supply and to deal in all types, descriptions, tests, uses of Dairy Products, their by products, ingredients, derivative, residues including Milk, condensed milk, skimmed milk, cheese, butter, cream, paneer, mattha, curd and all other items, whether natural, artificial or synthetic of character similar or analogous to the foregoing or connected therewith & to do all incidental acts, things necessary for attainment of the foregoing objects.
Real Estate
To carry on the business of buying, purchasing or otherwise acquire any immovable or movable property of all kinds and description and right, title and interest therein and to carry on the business of renting, letting or other similar arrangements of immovable and moveable properties including but not limited to equipment of all kinds and description, building equipment, construction equipment and houses, building, market, shops, industrial sheds, plots, flats, vehicles, plants, machineries, ships, aircrafts, vessels, apparatuses, computers and any other assets.
To carry on business of contractors, Builders, Town planners, Infrastructure developers, Estate developers and Engineers land developers, Land Scapers, estate agents, immovable property dealers and to acquire, buy, purchase, hire or otherwise lands, buildings, civil works immovable property of any tenure or any interest in the same and to erect and construct, houses, flats, bungalows, kothis or civil work of every type on the land of the Company or any other land or immovable property whether belonging to the Company or not and to pull down, rebuild, enlarge alter and other conveniences and to deal with and improve, property of the Company or any other Immovable property in India or abroad.
To erect, construct, build, water proofing, sewage, demolish, fabricate, execute, carry out, improve, work, develop and enlarge, rebuild, repair, maintenance, administer, manage or control in India or abroad- on any land or immovable property of the Company or upon any other land or immovable property in any capacity and conveniences of all ,kinds, including turnkey jobs, railway, tramway speedway, runways. roads aerodromes, sewage, theatres, cinema halls, piers, wharvers, Dams, barrages, reservoirs, embankments, canals , irrigations, power houses, transmission lines, reclamation, improvement sewage, drainage, sanitary works, for building hotels, houses, markets, private public and all kind of Conveniences and to carry out business of builders and civil engineers, estimators and designers thereof.
To promote, buy, acquire, sell, lease exchange, hire, give on relit, to let, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the lands, industrial Complexes, houses buildings, farm houses, agricultural lands, and other immovable property of the Company or other immovable property including any share or shares, interest or interests therein and to transact on commission or otherwise business of real estates agents and to apply for purchase through tender or otherwise acquire civil contracts for or in relation to water proofing, sewage, construction, execution, equipment, improvement, management, administrations or control of mechanical and civil works and conveniences and to undertake, execute, dispose or otherwise turn to account the same.
To carry on the business of consultants, civil engineers, civil testers, builders and developers of land contractors, colonisers, civil contractors and undertake any residential, commercial or Industrial, construction either independently or jointly in partnership, joint venture or on agency or sub contracts basis with or on behalf of any individual firm, body corporate, association or society, Central or State Government, Cantonment board or any local authority to work as colonizer, developer of land and farm houses and buildings for residential purposes
Cement Products
To produce, manufacture, treat, process, prepare, refine, import, export, purchase, sell and to deal in and to act as ironmasters, steel makers, steel converters, brokers, agents, stockist, distributors and suppliers either solely or in partnership with others of all types and kinds of cement (whether ordinary, white, coloured, portland, pozzolana, blast, furnace, slag, rapid hardening, silica or otherwise), lime and limestone, clinker and/or by products thereof and cement products such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles, garden wares, Plaster of Paris, line pipes, drain covers building materials and otherwise and articles, things, compounds and preparations thereof and to carry on the business as manufacturers and sellers of and dealers and workers in of all kind lime, plasters, whiting, clay, grewel, gypsum, artificial stone and all builders requisition made out of cement and cement products and articles, things, compounds and preparations connected with the aforesaid products and in connection therewith.
To carry on the business of buying, purchasing or otherwise acquire any immovable or movable property of all kinds and description and right, title and interest therein and to carry on the business of renting, letting or other similar arrangements of immovable and moveable properties including but not limited to equipment of all kinds and description, building equipment, construction equipment and houses, building, market, shops, industrial sheds, plots, flats, vehicles, plants, machineries, ships, aircrafts, vessels, apparatuses, computers and any other assets.
To carry on business of contractors, Builders, Town planners, Infrastructure developers, Estate developers and Engineers land developers, Land Scapers, estate agents, immovable property dealers and to acquire, buy, purchase, hire or otherwise lands, buildings, civil works immovable property of any tenure or any interest in the same and to erect and construct, houses, flats, bungalows, kothis or civil work of every type on the land of the Company or any other land or immovable property whether belonging to the Company or not and to pull down, rebuild, enlarge alter and other conveniences and to deal with and improve, property of the Company or any other Immovable property in India or abroad.
To erect, construct, build, water proofing, sewage, demolish, fabricate, execute, carry out, improve, work, develop and enlarge, rebuild, repair, maintenance, administer, manage or control in India or abroad- on any land or immovable property of the Company or upon any other land or immovable property in any capacity and conveniences of all ,kinds, including turnkey jobs, railway, tramway speedway, runways. roads aerodromes, sewage, theatres, cinema halls, piers, wharvers, Dams, barrages, reservoirs, embankments, canals , irrigations, power houses, transmission lines, reclamation, improvement sewage, drainage, sanitary works, for building hotels, houses, markets, private public and all kind of Conveniences and to carry out business of builders and civil engineers, estimators and designers thereof.
To promote, buy, acquire, sell, lease exchange, hire, give on relit, to let, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the lands, industrial Complexes, houses buildings, farm houses, agricultural lands, and other immovable property of the Company or other immovable property including any share or shares, interest or interests therein and to transact on commission or otherwise business of real estates agents and to apply for purchase through tender or otherwise acquire civil contracts for or in relation to water proofing, sewage, construction, execution, equipment, improvement, management, administrations or control of mechanical and civil works and conveniences and to undertake, execute, dispose or otherwise turn to account the same.
To carry on the business of consultants, civil engineers, civil testers, builders and developers of land contractors, colonisers, civil contractors and undertake any residential, commercial or Industrial, construction either independently or jointly in partnership, joint venture or on agency or sub contracts basis with or on behalf of any individual firm, body corporate, association or society, Central or State Government, Cantonment board or any local authority to work as colonizer, developer of land and farm houses and buildings for residential purposes
Trading Of General Merchandising And Other Consumables
To carry on in India or outside India the business of general merchants, traders, suppliers, importers, exporters, stores, storekeepers, removers, packers, dealers, distributors, manufacturers, franchisors, carriers shipowners and or in any other capacity and to buy, render marketable and otherwise deal in or with wholesale or retail goods, general merchandise and other commodities of all kinds and description.
To carry on the business of trading, import, export, buy, sell and deal in processed foods, health foods, protein foods, food products, agro foods, fast foods, packed foods, poultry products, sea foods, milk foods, health and diet drinks, extruded foods, frozen foods, dehydrated foods, precooked foods, canned foods, preserved foods, bakery products and confectionery items such as breads, biscuits, sweets, cakes, pastries, cookies, wafers, condoles, lemon drops, chocolate, toffees, tinned fruits, chewing gum, bubble gum, detergents, tea and coffee, vegetables, fruits, jams, jelly, pickles, Spices, squashes, sausages, nutrient, health and diet foods / drinks, extruded foods, confectionery items, sweets, cereals products, other consumable products and any other food products in and outside India.
To carry in India or elsewhere the business to process., prepare, disinfect, fennentate, compound, mix, clean wash, concentrate, crush, grind, segregate, pack, repack, add, remove, heat, grade, preserve, freeze, distillate, boil, sterilize, improve, extract refine, buy, sell, resale, import, export, barter, transport, store, forward, distribute, dispose, develop, handle, manipulate, consultant, collaborator, Stockists, liasioner, middleman, export house, job worker or otherwise to deal in all types, descriptions, tastes, uses and packs of consumer food items and by products, ingredients, derivatives, residues, including foods and vegetables, packed foods, powders, pastes, liquids, drinks, beverages, juices, jams, jelly, squashes, pickles, sausages, concentrates, extracts, essences, flavours, syrups, sarbats, flavoured drinks, cream, cheese, butter, biscuits, breads, cakes, pastries, confectionery, sweets, chocolates, toffees, fun foods, breakfast foods, dietic products, strained baby foods, instant foods, cereal products, table delicacies and all other items whether natural, artificial or synthetic.
To carry on the business of processing, farming, manufacturing, distributorship, agency, broker, factors, stockiest, importer and otherwise deal in all kinds of organic and inorganic foods products and drinking products, mineral water, soft drinks, aerated mineral water, fruit drinks, artificial flavoured drinks, condensed milk and drinking products of all kinds and other consumable provision of every description for human consumption.
To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, and engage in import and export of all kinds of consumable products by entering into arrangement with any government, or authority, supreme municipal, local or otherwise that may seem conducive to the company objects and obtain from such government or authority any arrangements, rights, privileges, awards, concessions and tenders which the company may think it desirable to obtain, and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privileges, concessions and tenders.
Retail And Marketing
To carry on the business of buying, selling, reselling, importing, exporting, transporting, storing, developing, promoting, marketing or supplying, trading, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
To carry on the business as exhibitors of various goods, services and merchandise and to undertake the necessary activities to promote sales of goods, services and merchandise manufactured/dealt with/provided by the Company.
To act as broker, trader, agent, C & F agent, shipper, distributor, representative, franchiser, consultant, collaborator, stockiest, liaison, job worker, export house of goods, merchandise and services of all grades, specifications, descriptions, applications, modalities, fashions, including by-products, spares or accessories thereof, on retail as well as on wholesale basis.
To carry on in India the business of marketing, promoting, advertising franchising or dealing in any of the above activities both in internal and external markets, on digital media or any other online or digital means, on its own or through any sort or nature and to appoint sub-franchisers etc., for any of the above purposes, in India or elsewhere and marketing through online marketing, digital marketing in various sites.
Food Products
To manufacture, market, trade, import, export, improve, process, sell, food products which inter alia include but is not limited to all categories of whole spices, organic, spice mixes, spice blends, freeze dried, curry powders/mixtures, oleoresins, extracts, essential oils, spice in brine, pepper, cloves, turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, vegetables, herbs and other food items and carry on the business of canners, preservers, growers of fresh and/or preservable products of vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, medicines, drinks, mineral waters, fluids and other and generally to carry on the manufacturing of pickles, chutney, masalas, mixtures, spice powders including but not limited to turmeric powder, chili powder, coriander powder, cumin etc., vinegars, ketchups, juices, custard powder, powder (edible) drinks, beverages, gelatins, essences, ice creams, milk preparations, table delicacies and other eatables.
Food Distribution
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as seller, buyer, dealer, distributor, importer, exporter, reseller, trader whether as a wholesaler or retailer, transporter, stockiest, researcher, franchise holders, supplier concessionaire or otherwise to deal in all types of foods, beverages, including but not limited to fruits, vegetables, sea foods, meats, eggs, health foods, protein foods, food products, agro foods, fast foods, packed foods, poultry products, milk foods, health and diet drinks, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, fruit juices, fruit pulp, milk, aerated water, soft drinks, soft drinks concentrates, syrups, effervescent drinks, tea, coffee, mineral water, solvents, mixtures, by-products, intermediates & ingredients, whether made of natural of synthetic materials, jams, jelly, sauce, extruded foods, frozen foods, dehydrated foods, precooked foods, canned foods, preserved foods, bakery products and confectionery items such as breads, biscuits, sweets, cakes, pastries, cookies, wafers, condoles, lemon drops, chocolate, toffees, tinned fruits, chewing gum, bubble gum, detergents, pickles, squashes, sausages, nutrient, health and diet foods / drinks, extruded foods, confectionery items, sweets, cereals products, concentrates and flavors (liquid and powder form), food colours, baby foods, namkeen products, all other processed and non-processed foods and food of every description.
To carry on the business of processing, farming, manufacturing, distributorship, agency, broker, factors, stockiest, importer and otherwise deal in all kinds of organic and inorganic foods products and drinking products, mineral water, soft drinks, aerated mineral water, fruit drinks, artificial flavoured drinks, condensed milk and drinking products of all kinds and other consumable provision of every description for human consumption.
To carry on the business of buying, selling, reselling, importing, exporting, transporting, storing, developing, promoting, marketing or supplying, trading, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle, own, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, transporters, in all its branches on land, air, water, & space, for transporting goods, in all modes including bulk and containers, articles, or things or heavy and over dimensional cargo, on all routes and lines on National and International level subject to law in force through all sorts of carries like trucks, lorries, trawlers, dumpers, coaches, tankers, tractors, haulers, jeeps, trailers, motor buses, omnibuses, motor taxies, railways, tramways, aircrafts, hovercrafts, rockers, space shuttles, ships, vessels, boats, barges and so on whether propelled by petrol, diesel, electricity, steam oil, atomic power or any other form of power. To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle, own operate material Handling equipments.
To carry on the business of courier and cargo handlers, handling and haulage contractors, warehousemen, common carriers by land, rail, water and air, container agents, to handle goods and passengers within the country and outside and to carry on the business of tour and travel operators and to act as customs agents, wharfingers, landing agents, stevedores and longshoremen.
To carry on the business of providing Logistics Services, material management, transportation, warehousing distribution and marketing of goods and to provide storage and protection of goods against rain, fire and other natural or manmade calamities
Manpower Management
To carry on the business or profession of consultants, suppliers, providers of all types of man power such as contractual, skilled, unskilled, trained labour, staff, managerial personnel and act as Placement agent, employment agent or recruitment agent and to carry on the business of recruitment and placement of all kind of personnel including managers, professionals, executives, skilled, semi-skilled, un-skilled workers, labourers & other technical personnel required to individuals, bodies, corporates, societies, undertakings, institutions, associations, government or local authorities in India and abroad.
To provide man power for industry and labour contractors and/or to provide the services of vehicle inspection, customer authentication inspection, spot or place inspection, delivery of goods, grocery, medicine, foods, electronics, cloths or any and all kinds of goods either on its own or entering into partnership with or under a contract with any other entity.
To carry on in India or elsewhere , the business of courier services and to provide promote supervise represent or to act as an agent for all types of courier activities, including but not limited to, that of collecting any documents goods, articles, things on behalf of customers and to deliver them at specified places, cities, country.
Lending – NBFC
To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms or mode and with or without security to any individuals firm, body corporate or any other entity and to enter into guarantees, contracts of indemnity and surety ship of all kinds, to receive money on deposits or loan upon any terms, and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person, firm or company upon such terms and conditions as the company may think fit.
To lend or advance money to builders and other persons on securities of all description whether real or personal and to grant loans upon mortgage of any lands, buildings and hereditaments of whatever tenure for the improvement thereof or otherwise.
To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise any premises for the construction and/or establishment of a safe deposit vault and to maintain therein fire proof and burglar proof strong rooms, safes and other receptacles for purpose of safe custody or deposit of securities and valuables and to carry on the business of letting on hire the safe deposit lockers to such persons and on such terms and conditions as the Company may deem it.
To discount accept, collect Bills of exchange, Hundies, Promissory notes, Coupons, drafts, Bills of lading, railway receipts, warrants, debentures, Certificates, Scripts and conditions as the company may deem it.
To carry on the business to own, establish, acquire, run, operate, manage, maintain, develop, promote, administer, advertise, either on its own or through franchisee fully equipped schools, colleges, educational institutes, universities including deemed or autonomous universities, to promote and disseminate knowledge, create awareness and provide a common forum of interaction amongst academicians, professionals and government agencies, establish effective co-ordination, to organise training courses and special programmes to impart training, education in all disciplines, online, distinct, correspondence courses, coaching classes for any stream, any level, any profession, courses for information technology, computer technology, software, hardware, networking, any certified or recongnised courses of Government, all types of school, university or any recognized institute courses whether aided or unaided, to provided preparatory coaching for becoming proficient in professional learning including online and offline Competitive Entrance Examinations like and training programmes for personality development, soft skills, communication skills, creative teaching, behavior skills, trade-commerce-business management, scientific and research and to conduct all types of seminar, training programmes, skilled development programmes and to develop computer software, hardware, web enabled application, information technology related products and also to provide consultancy relating thereto, and to assist the promotion and advancement of trade, commerce, art, science, technology or whatsoever.
Wood Industry
To carry on the business of designers, decorators, furnishers, landscapers, upholsters, woodworkers, consultants and contractors for all type of projects and to provide all kinds of services connected with the main objects and to undertake all kinds of jobs as interior decorators, furnishers, cleaners, repairer, panel processing using high precision and technology machinery and to render services in all other auxiliary fields and to carry on the business as dealers stockists, importers and exporters of all types of furniture, fittings, furnishing fabrics, handicrafts, wooden products, plywood, teakwood and teak boards.
To carry the business of manufacturing trading, buy, sell, re-sell, supply, import, export, transport, store, forward, distribute, dispose, develop, handle, manipulate, market, supply or otherwise to deal in all types furniture, furniture made from wood, brass, steel, fibre glass, plastics or any other alloys, wooden beading and mouldings, wooden packing cases, handicrafts, house furnishers, hirers, repairers, cleaners of furniture, carpets, linoleum, furnishing fabrics and other floor covering and glass wood fittings and all things capable of being used therewith or in the maintenance and repair thereof and consulting relating to interiors & decorators and to provide design & consultancy services for interiors decorators and to carry on business as export advisors, designers, providers of technical knowhow’ s in interiors decorators and to carry on either alone or jointly with one or more persons, government, local or other bodies, the business of to undertake work of interior designers, erection and installation and to act as interior decorators, consultants, advisors, contractors, turnkey contractors and managers, and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.
To carry on the business of timber merchants, saw mill proprietor and wood preserving and treatment operators and timber growers and to buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, import, export and deal in timber, teak, plywood, rubber and wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in plywood or other wood and to buy, sale, plant and work for timber estates.
To offer training, skill development, hand-holding, consultancy, advisory and all related services in all areas of wood works, wood industry, wood moulding, carving and to provide for such research and development including conducting and participating in seminars, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and the like and to render all such services as are required by the customers in relation to above objects.
To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle, own, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, transporters, in all its branches on land, air, water, & space, for transporting goods, articles, or things which are mentioned in above objects, i.e., furniture and other materials on all routes and lines on National and International level subject to law in force through all sorts of carries like trucks, lorries, trawlers, dumpers, coaches, tankers, tractors, haulers, jeeps, trailers, motor buses, omnibuses, motor taxis, railways, tramways, aircraft’s, hovercrafts, rockers, space shuttles, ships, vessels, boats, barges and so on whether propelled by petrol, diesel, electricity, steam oil, atomic power or any other form of power.
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as manufacture, processor, researchers, consultants, importer, exporter, distiller, refiner, fermenter, converter, bottler, distributor, preserver, packer, mover, consignor, seller, buyer, reseller, transporter, stockiest, agent, sub-agent, broker, supplier, indentor, dealers, franchise holders, bottlers, rebottlers, packers, extractors, pulpers, crushers, grinder, concessionaire or otherwise to deal in all types of beverages, including soft drinks, soft drinks concentrates, syrups, effervescent drinks, aerated water, tea, coffee, mineral water, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, fruit juices, fruit pulp, milk, jams, jelly, sauce, concentrates and flavors (liquid and powder form), food colours, aerated water, solvents, mixtures, by-products, intermediates & ingredients including alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages whether made of natural of synthetic materials.
To carry on the business of processing, farming, manufacturing, distributorship, agency, broker, factors, stockiest, importer and otherwise deal in all kinds of organic and inorganic foods products and drinking products, mineral water, soft drinks, aerated mineral water, fruit drinks, artificial flavoured drinks, condensed milk and drinking products of all kinds and other consumable provision of every description for human consumption.
To manufacture, produce, process, prepare, buy, sell and deal in all kinds of aerated, Artificial and mineral waters, soft drinks, carbonated drinks, fruit and vegetable powders and Preparations of all kinds, fruit juices, breakfast foods, protein foods, dietic products, strained baby foods, instant foods and food stuffs and provisions of all kinds.
Farmers Producer Company
To carry on the business of aggregation & selling of produce and or products of members derived from Agriculture (cereals, pulses, millets, fibers), Horticulture (fruits, flowers, vegetables), Sericulture, Apiculture, Pisciculture (inland), & from allied activities such as Dairy Farming (milk & milk products), Sheep & Goat rearing,(wool ,meat), Poultry Farming (eggs, meat), all value added products from the above at remunerative prices and also selling quality inputs needed for farming such as Seeds, Bio-fertilizers, Bio-growth promoters, Bio-pesticides, agricultural implements and equipments, other production requirements, livestock feed (cattle feed, poultry feed), supplementary feed ingredients, tarpaulins, solar powered systems for production & domestic needs of members at competitive prices.
To promote and support activities undertaken by members as mentioned above by facilitating creation of need based infrastructure such as green houses, warehouses and godowns, cold storage and processing plants or any substitutes and or supplements for any of them associated with the farming interests and also leveraging assistance both technical and financial from organizations or institutions, governmental departments to set up these facilities.
To finance the production, procurement, processing, marketing and other activities mentioned above including the extension of credit facilities or any other manner of financial services to the members of the company.
To manufacture, sell or supply machinery, equipments, consumables, technical Know-how required in Agriculture, Horticulture and allied activities such as Dairy, Poultry, Sheep & Goat farming.
Hotel / Restaurants
To carry on all the business of hotels, restaurants, holiday camps, guest houses, rest rooms, resorts, canteens, kitchens, food courts, micro-breweries, shops, stores, mobile food counters, eating houses, kiosks, outlets, cafeterias, dine in facility, take away and/or delivery based services, caterers, cafes, taverns, pubs, bars, beer houses, refreshment rooms and lodging or apartments of house keepers, service apartments, night clubs, casinos, discotheques, swimming pools, health clubs, baths, dressing rooms, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirits merchants, exporters, importers, and manufacturers of aerated mineral and artificial water and other drinks, purveyors, caterers of public amusement generally and all business incidental thereto, whether as owners, co-owners, joint ventures, operators, franchisees, franchisers and/or any other business mode and to carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, producing, processing, importing, exporting, distributing, trading, supplying, running, managing and dealing in all kinds of food, food products, dairy products, bakery & confectionery products, whether as owners, co-owners, joint ventures, operators, franchisees, franchisers and/or any other business model.
To purchase, take on lease hire, erect or otherwise acquire, establish and equip act as collaborators, technicians of any other hotels, motels, holiday camps, restaurants, canteens, cafes, pubs, bars, kitchens, refreshment rooms, casinos etc. in India or in any other part of the world and to carry on the business of consultants to the hotels, restaurants, kitchens, canteens, etc. in existence or to be started and to train chefs, cooks, bearers and other staff for hotel industry and to act as hotel management consultants, mangers, operators, advisors, planners, values and to impart technical know-how and training in the field of planning, construction, operation of hotels, motels, restaurants, recreation and entertainment centers in the field of tourism industry whether in India or abroad and to purchase erect or otherwise acquire, establish and equip and act as collaborators, technicians, financiers to any other hotel or restaurant in India or abroad.
Medical Equipments
To Carry on the business of and to act as importers, distributors, stockiest, marketer dealers, or exporters in all kinds of medical appliances like Electro Cardiogram, Gastroscope, Cyotoscope, Pesritoneoscope, Arthroscope, Gonioscope, Ophthalmoscope, Otoscope, Sigmoid scope, Colonoscope. Hemodialysis, Self-diagnostic medical devices, Medical Instruments, Surgical Supplies, Medical Disposables, Surgical Equipments, Medical Equipments, Medical Consumables, Dental Instruments, Dental Materials, Dental Equipments, Hospital Equipments, Hospital Furniture, Medical Kits, Implants, Anaesthesia Products, Autocave Sterilizers, Electro-Medical Equipments, Microscope And Projectors, Plastic Hollow Wear, Surgical Rubber Goods, Laboratory Equipments, Rehabilitation Products and Aids, Medical Imaging Systems, UV Sterilizers, Weighing Balances, Surgical Needles, Pathology Lab Items, Micro Endosopic Video Systems, Medical Clothing, Cold Chain Equipments, Examination Lights, Stainless Steel Hollow Wear, Baby Care Equipments, Shadowless Lamps, Suction Units, Diagnostic Instruments, Guide Wires, Medical Instrument Cables And Wires, Disinfectants and various other related medical equipment with accessories and consumable diagnostic kits Sutures, dialysers, all varieties of catheters, surgical and all other allied medical disposable product.
To Carry on the business of and to act as Marketers, agents, consultants, distributors, collaborators, or otherwise to deal in all types of automatic, semi-automatic digital, electronic instruments, equipments, apparatus, machineries, tools. their parts, fittings, components and accessories used in health care, treatment, diagnosis, research test cure, operation and for saving life or human-being, disposable medical and Surgical instruments & consumables and other allied products and in instruments, equipments, for diagnostic centers, hospitals, nursing homes, laboratories, pharmacies and any other heath care, life care, centers.
To know more about Memorandum of Association – Click here to read our detailed article.
To learn more about Private Limited Company Registration – Click here.
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